Repeat Offender Program
The Repeat Offender Program (ROP) was created in 2013 to identify and register rental properties with multiple code violations. The intent of City Council in passing this ordinance was to ensure Austin renters are living in properties that meet minimum health and safety standards, as defined by the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC).
In 2019, ROP had several successes, including the addition of a
Community Engagement Specialist, increased community engagement, and the
adoption of a new enforcement process. Additionally, ACD broadened ROP outreach efforts. Over 11,000 postcards were mailed to every rental unit address associated with a ROP property. The postcards were in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, and invited tenants to attend one of two meetings or participate in an online survey.
The department
gathered feedback from ROP stakeholders over a 30-day period. That data, in combination with feedback
provided in May 2019, identified both successes of the program and aspects that
may be looked at for improvement. The Austin Code Department is recommending possible changes to
process or procedure that may improve the ROP and ensure more positive outcomes.