Ross Road Substandard Street Project
The City of Austin will reconstruct Ross Road to a five-lane cross-section roadway (two thru lanes in each direction plus a two-way left turn lane and/or median) with pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the corridor as part of the 2020 Mobility Bond. The City of Austin Ross Road project is located between SH-71 and Pearce Lane.
Ross Road (SH-71 to Pearce Lane) project timeline
The project has reached final design. A public open house was most recently held in January 2023 to provide an opportunity for the community to learn about the design concepts and provide feedback. City of Austin Capital Delivery Services will oversee construction of the mobility improvement project in support of Austin Transportation and Public Works, the project's sponsor department. Below is a historical timeline regarding this Substandard Street project.
Fall 2023 Project
September 14, 2023, City Council approved
a contract amendment for additional services for the design of Pearce Lane at the
intersection of Ross Road North. The design modification will allow for future widening without tearing up the investment of this Ross Road Project.
Additionally, it will significantly improve safety and mobility for the
community and enhance access to the three Del Valle ISD schools in the area.
Transportation and Public Works Department anticipates starting construction on
Ross Road in 2024. In early 2024, staff
will begin proactively working with Del Valle ISD and Travis County to plan for
the construction phase. The project timeline has been updated to allow for
additional coordination with partners that will minimize disruption to
residents and schools.
Anticipated Construction Timeline
- Winter 2023-24: Utility relocation
- Fall 2024: Street construction begins
- Fall 2026: Construction complete
60% Design Open House (Jan. 2023)
The project team reached the 60% design milestone in December 2022. In January 2023, the City of Austin hosted an open house to show the public revised designs for the project area of Ross Road between SH-71 and Pearce Lane. The 2020 Austin Mobility Bond set aside $35 million for the design and construction of improvements, which are detailed in the documents linked below.
Design Documents
- Schematic
- Display Boards (English)
- Tableros de exhibición (español)
Preliminary Engineering Recommendations
Final Preliminary Engineering Report
This report, published in April 2019, recommends safety and mobility improvements on Ross Road between Highway 71 and Heine Farm Road.
Click on the links below to read the Ross Road recommendations:
Fall 2022 Project Update
Ross Road Interim Improvements Complete
The City of Austin has constructed four new and improved pedestrian crossings along
and across Ross Road at Thome Valley Drive, Spiers Way, Los Cielos Boulevard
and Pearce Lane as well as Fort Lexington Drive at Ross Road. View the fact sheet for this project (English and Spanish).
Spring 2021 Project Update
Ross Road Community Briefing
and Interim Improvements Survey
The City of Austin provided a virtual briefing on the Ross Road Improvement Project on Wednesday,
April 28th, hosted by District 2 Council Member Vanessa Fuentes. Review the presentation shared.
Near-term crossing improvements are planned along or
across Ross Road at Fort Lexington Drive, Gillwell Drive, at the entrance to
Del Valle Elementary School, Thome Valley Drive, Spiers Way, Los Cielos
Boulevard and Pearce Lane.
Project Limits
Project Background
The City of Austin evaluated Ross Road as part of the Local Mobility Program of the 2016 Mobility Bond. This project evaluated road conditions, missing sidewalks, curbs, and drainage elements to enhance mobility and safety for all road users.
Approved by voters in November 2016, the Mobility Bond dedicates $11 million for preliminary engineering on nine substandard streets, including Ross Road. Substandard streets are publicly owned roadways within the City of Austin’s jurisdiction that do not meet current City of Austin requirements because they have pavement widths that are less than 24 feet and typically lack some curb and gutter, drainage, bicycle accommodations, and sidewalk infrastructure. Funding to design and construct improvements on the substandard streets has not been identified.
Pedestrian safety improvements were completed in Fall 2022 in part of this project area. View more information in English / Ver más información del proyecto en español
Project Process
This project included a review of existing conditions, such as traffic counts, crash data, and pinch points, as well as a review of constraints, such as right-of-way and utilities, and coordination with the City’s adopted transportation plans and policies. On Ross Road, in particular, the City worked closely with Travis County and the Texas Department of Transportation, which also have projects in the immediate area. Community engagement was coordinated throughout the project to share information and collect feedback.
The final Preliminary Engineering Report was completed in early 2019.
Construction funds were allocated for Ross Road improvements through the 2020 Mobility Bond. Construction is expected to begin in 2024.
Public Meeting 1: March 20, 2018
The Ross Road project team hosted the first public meeting on March 20, 2018 to get community feedback on Ross Road's needs and existing conditions. This feedback informed the recommendations we presented in November 2018.
Public Meeting 2: November 13, 2018
The Ross Road project team hosted the second public meeting on November 13, 2018. The purpose of this meeting was to share recommendations for improvements to Ross Road and get feedback.
- View maps of the proposed improvements:
- View the Public Involvement Summary from the second public meeting.
Get Involved!
The City of Austin wants to hear from residents and business owners who live, work, play and use Ross Road.
Contact Us or (512) 974-2300.
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