ATCEMS Performance Dashboard > Patient Transport Rate per Month > Performance Measure Definition: Patient Transport Rate
Performance Measure Definition: Patient Transport Rate

Description: Patient transport rate describes how often ATCEMS personnel transfer the patients they encounter to a system-approved receiving facility.
Desired Outcome: All patients who require medical care and transportation are taken to the hospital.
Relevance: Prehospital care providers have a limited ability to assess and treat patients. Most patients benefit from transport to a receiving facility, where they can receive more complete assessments and definitive care.
Measure Domain: Clinical care
Type of Measure: Process

Operational Specifications 
Formula Description: Patient transport rate is calculated by dividing the count of transported patients by the difference of the total count of patient contacts and the count of patients determined to be deceased on scene.
The resulting value is expressed as a percentage of included patient contacts.
Unit of Analysis: Patient contacts
  • Numerator: Patients transported by ATCEMS units to receiving facilities.
  • Denominator: All patients contacted by ATCEMS units, excluding patients determined to be deceased on scene and Community Health Paramedic patient contacts .
Measure Frequency: Quarterly
Minimum Population/Sample: None
Performance Standard: None
Acceptable Quality Level: Not defined
Interval Description: Not applicable
Reporting Value: Percent of patient contacts
  • Temporal aggregations (month, hour of day, etc.) are based on the date/time of earliest recorded call pickup.
  • Geographic aggregation is based on incident location
  • Service Zone (city, county, other)
  • City of Austin Council District
  • Unit Radio Name
Limitations: None
Related Measures: 
  • Patient Transport Count: This indicator is a count of patients transported by ambulance to a receiving facility.
Notes: Deceased patients are not included in Patient Transport Rate calculations since there is no discretion on the part of either the patient or the ATCEMS crew in the decision.

ATCEMS Open Performance Dashboard
City of Austin Open Data Portal
ATCEMS System Performance Dashboard 


Development Status: Actively reporting
Definition Version: Version B
Revision Date: 2017-04-19
Revised By: David Andersen