ATCEMS Performance Dashboard > 911 System Incidents per Month > Performance Measure Definition: 911 System Incidents per Month
Performance Measure Definition: 911 System Incidents Per Month
Description: Count of events requiring ATCEMS assistance each month. This measure is limited to incidents received through the 911 system. It does not include special events or other prescheduled standbys. It also excludes Community Health Assists and similar events that do not involve responding to 911 calls. Incidents
receiving a response from only ESD ambulances (i.e., no ATCEMS response) are
not included in this measure.
Desired Outcome: Not applicable
Relevance: This is a basic measure of EMS system activity. It is used to anticipate needs for additional system resources.
Measure Domain: Operations
Type of Measure: Output
Operational Specifications
Formula Description: Count of 911 incidents to which ATCEMS responded for the
month(s) evaluated.
The resulting measure is expressed as an integer.
Unit of Analysis: Incident
- Numerator: Incidents generated by the 911 call system
- Denominator: None
Measure Frequency: Monthly
Minimum Population/Sample: None
Performance Standard: Not applicable
Acceptable Quality Level: Not applicable
Interval Description: Not applicable
Reporting Value: Integer count of incidents
- Temporal aggregations (month, hour of day, etc.) are based on the date/time of earliest recorded call pickup.
- Geographic aggregation is based on incident location
- Service Zone (city, county)
- Incident Response Priority
- City of Austin Council District
Limitations: None
Related Measures: None
Notes: ESD 2 (Pflugerville Fire Department) began deploying ambulances to respond to medical incidents within its district in January 2017. These incidents are excluded from ATCEMS performance reporting.
ESD incident filtering is performed by ETL processes.
ATCEMS Open Performance Dashboard
- Performance Goal: Incidents
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart for current and previous fiscal year.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS – Incidents by Month]
City of Austin Open Data Portal
- Medium: Data table
- Table Name: EMS – Incidents by Month
- Columns: 15 columns that contain “Incidents” in the header.
- Aggregation Level: Month
- Update Frequency: Monthly
Travis County Performance Dashboard
- Medium: Web site charts:
1. Incidents in City and County (
2. Incidents Stratified by City and County (
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart of monthly values, beginning October 2010.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS – Incidents by Month]
City of Austin Performance Measures Database
- Performance Measure: 1412 – Number of Incidents
- Orientation: External
- Aggregation Level: Month
- Update Frequency: Monthly
Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Austin and Travis County for Emergency Medical Services (Fiscal Year 2014)
Development Status: Actively reporting
Definition Version: Version D
Revision Date: 2017-01-13
Revised By: David Andersen