ATCEMS Performance Dashboard > Patient Satisfaction > Performance Measure Definition: Customer Satisfaction Score
Performance Measure Definition: Customer Satisfaction Score
Description: This indicator measures customer satisfaction among patients transported by ATCEMS.
Desired Outcome: Create satisfied customers
Relevance: Patient Satisfaction evaluates the patient’s impression of the quality of service they receive from EMS. It helps the department improve the patient-medic interaction and, ultimately, how the community values the EMS system.
Measure Domain: Operations
Type of Measure: Outcome
Operational Specifications
Formula Description: The Customer Satisfaction Score is calculated by dividing the count of respondents describing themselves as “satisfied” or “very satisfied” by the count of all patients responding to the survey question.
Unit of Analysis: Patient responses
- Numerator: Survey respondents who describe themselves as “satisfied” or “very satisfied.”
- Denominator: All patients who respond to question regarding overall satisfaction with their experience.
Measure Frequency: Monthly
Minimum Population/Sample: None
Performance Standard: At least 95 percent of patients surveyed rate service as “satisfactory” or “very satisfactory.”
Acceptable Quality Level: Customer satisfaction may not fall greater than 3% for more than two consecutive months or any three months in a year.
Interval Description: Not applicable
Reporting Value: Percent of patients who describe themselves as “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the care they received from ATCEMS in a call-back survey.
Aggregation: Scores are aggregated based on the month in which the survey is conducted.
Stratification: None
Limitations: None
Related Measures: None
Notes: ATCEMS conducts a phone survey of all patients for whom it has adequate contact information. As the survey progresses, responses are entered into a form created in SurveyMonkey. A new survey is used for every month the survey is conducted.
The results of each month’s survey are downloaded from SurveyMonkey in Microsoft Excel format for further analysis and compilation of responses.
ATCEMS Open Performance Dashboard
- Performance Goal: Patient Satisfaction
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart for current and previous fiscal year.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS – Customer Satisfaction by Month]
ATCEMS Open Data Portal
- Medium: Data table
- Table Name: EMS – Customer Satisfaction by Month
- Columns: Count – Respondents; Count – Satisfied or Very Satisfied Responses; Percent – Satisfied or Very Satisfied Responses
- Aggregation Level: Calendar month
- Update Frequency: Monthly
Travis County Performance Dashboard
- Medium: Web site chart
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart of monthly values, beginning October 2013.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS – Customer Satisfaction by Month]
City of Austin Performance Database
- Performance Measure: 8231 - Percentage of patients who are satisfied or very satisfied with EMS customer service
- Orientation: External
- Aggregation Level: Calendar month
- Update Frequency: Monthly
Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Austin and Travis County for Emergency Medical Services (Fiscal Year 2014)
Development Status: Actively reporting
Definition Version: Version D
Revision Date: 2017-05-08
Revised By: David Andersen