Number of Nonstop Destinations by Fiscal Year


A nonstop destination is when travelers fly directly from one airport to another, with no stops along the way. Nonstop service is a standard in the aviation industry and is highly valued as it can save passengers time and reduce potential travel interruptions, making it the most convenient option for travelers. Business and leisure travelers alike enjoy the convenience of avoiding a connecting hub or a layover in another city. Historically, Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) tracks both domestic and international nonstop destinations and saw a steady increase of nonstop service prior to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic the number of nonstop destinations dropped. However, FY2023 and FY2024 loaded for sale continue the trend to increase nonstop services both domestic and international. Note some destinations will be exited in FY24 yet count toward the total number for the FY24. Before flying, passengers can visit for tips on how to fly smart and safely.


Airlines determine which nonstop destinations will be served from AUS based on their business models, competition at AUS, and economic opportunities at other airports available to the airline. An airport may influence airline decision-making to add nonstop service by providing data the airline does not have about local travel patterns and future travel patterns, by providing competitive airport rates and facilities, and potentially by offering incentive programs to help mitigate airline start-up costs for the new nonstop service. In addition to continental new routes, AUS enjoyed new service to the Caribbean, Canada and Central America. In 2024, AUS Air Service focus will be on retention of nonstop services and mitigating any capacity decreases as airlines ‘right-size’ their seats and offerings in AUS. This effort is in addition to a robust focus on continued pursuit of new international routes and competitors to meet business and tourism demand.   
Note: To see the underlying data for the chart, please select the "View Source Data" link. 

Additional Measure Insights

This data shows total nonstop destinations (to and from) AUS and can be segmented by domestic and international destinations. Nonstop destinations is a standard measure in the aviation industry and are considered the most efficient for travelers. AUS in 2023 was the fastest recovering airport in the U.S., in both the medium-hub and large-hub FAA category of airports. In 2023, AUS witnessed a continued major investment by American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, increasing capacity (number of seats) and destinations. We do not anticipate the growth we had in 2023 in 2024, as airlines are showing more prudence in capacity and nonstop offerings in AUS, owing to pilot shortages, aircraft availability, and market competition. 2022 and 2023 ramp up post Covid are considered outlier years of capacity growth. 2024 growth while surpassing pre-Covid 2019 levels may not be as robust as 2023, based on year-over-year airline reductions in capacity as carriers work to right-size investment in AUS. 

Measure Details and Definition

1) Definition:  This measure represents the number of AUS nonstop destinations.
2) Calculation method: The number of domestic nonstop destinations plus the number of international nonstop destinations from AUS.
3) Data Collection Process:  AUS receives an annual report from the Cirium DIIO database.
4) Measure Target Calculation: The target was calculated after reviewing that last five years’ of data and current travel trends.
5) Frequency Measure is Reported: Annually (Fiscal Year)

Date page was last updated: December 2022