Bluebonnet Lane & Melridge Place
Whether you drive, roll, or walk, the Austin Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) is working to improve your transportation options. TPW is making safety and mobility improvements for everyone using Bluebonnet Lane and Melridge Place from Del Curto Road to Rabb Road as well as Ann Arbor Avenue and Rundell Place. These changes are a result of a community process described below.
Bluebonnet Lane and Melridge Place provide access to Zilker Elementary School, Little Zilker Park, businesses, and the Zilker, Barton Hills and other nearby South Lamar neighborhoods. Funding for this project is available from the Mobility Bond Bikeways and Safe Routes to School programs.
Project Updates
June 2024
The remaining scope for phase three of this project is scheduled to begin in June 2024 and will focus on improving the intersection of Ann Arbor Avenue and Rundell Place as well as extending the two-way bikeway from Rabb Glenn Street to South Lamar Boulevard and installing pedestrian crossing improvements. For a complete description of completed and planned work in phase three, read the construction update sent to stakeholders here.
May 2023
Phase three of this project is scheduled for Summer 2023 and will focus on extending the two-way bikeway to and through South Lamar Boulevard and installing pedestrian crossing improvements. For a complete description of planned work in phase three, read the construction update sent to stakeholders here.
Summer 2022
Phase two of this project focused on improvements between South Lamar Boulevard and Rabb Road and is now complete. During this phase, the existing protected bikeway was reinstalled following pavement resurfacing in the Summer of 2022. Interim crossing improvements in the form of paint and flexible posts were installed. These crossing improvements will be upgraded to concrete in phase three of the project.
March 2020
Phase one of project implementation between Del Curto Road and South Lamar Boulevard is complete. This phase consisted of installing a new protected bikeway following pavement resurfacing. The bikeway is currently in a one-way configuration until the two-way bikeway is extended to and through South Lamar Boulevard.
February 2020
After reviewing community feedback received during the comment period for this project, ATD
is moving forward with the project in two phases in coordination with
planned street maintenance. Phase one of the project will be underway in
the next few weeks.
Project Open House
TPW hosted an open house on January 23 for the community to learn more about the project.
Project Background and Goals
TPW has received requests from local residents for upgrades to the existing protected bikeway and pedestrian crossings for Bluebonnet Lane and Melridge Place. There is also an opportunity to extend the protected bikeway south on Bluebonnet Lane in coordination with routine street maintenance (resurfacing and restriping) between South Lamar Boulevard and Del Curto Road. The proposed changes were identified from recommendations in the Austin Bicycle Plan, the Corridor Mobility Program’s South Lamar Corridor Improvement Program, Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Reports, and the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan.
Proposed Changes
- Bluebonnet Lane/Melridge Place (Rabb Road – Rabb Glen Street): Upgrading the protection in the existing two-way protected bikeway to concrete traffic buttons. Planters are also under consideration, pending a maintenance agreement with neighborhood partners.
- Bluebonnet Lane (Rabb Glen Street – South Lamar Boulevard): New extension of the two-way protected bikeway on the west curb. This proposal would replace the existing one-way bicycle lanes, maintain one general travel lane in each direction, and consolidate parking to the east side of the street.
- Bluebonnet Lane (South Lamar Boulevard – Del Curto Road): New extension of the two-way protected bikeway on the west curb across the intersection of Bluebonnet Lane and South Lamar Boulevard to Del Curto Road, where the bikeway would transition to a shared use path.
- Rundell Place and Ann Arbor Avenue: Shorten crossing distances by adding curb extensions and crosswalks.
- Bluebonnet Lane (midblock between South Lamar Boulevard and Del Curto Road, Arpdale Street, Meadowridge Drive, Ford Street, Anita Drive, Ashby Avenue): New pedestrian crossing islands that enable people walking to stop and scan for oncoming traffic one lane at a time, while slowing motor vehicle traffic and improving driver yielding behavior.
- Bluebonnet Lane (Rabb Glen Street, midblock at Little Zilker Park, Hether Street): Improvements to existing pedestrian crossings by adding crossing islands, crosswalks, curb ramps, and/or curb extensions.
- New and improved pedestrian crossings may result in minor impacts to on-street parking.
Contact us
For questions about the project, please email the Austin Mobility Bond team or call 512-974-2300 and leave a message for a callback.
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