Percentage of City facilities rate as "Good" in the Facilities Condition Index


The purpose of this measure is to evaluate, at a high level, the current condition of City of Austin facilities. The Facilities Condition Index (FCI) is a ratio that describes the cost of a given facility's total deferred maintenance backlog versus the current replacement value (CRV) of the facility. Buildings with an FCI of 5% or less are rated as “Good." Buildings with an FCI greater than 5%, but less than or equal to 10%, are rated as “Fair." Finally, facilities with an FCI greater than 10% are rated as “Poor.” To calculate the percentage of City facilities rated as "Good," the number of buildings rated as “Good” are divided by the total number of buildings currently being measured.
The higher (worse) a building's FCI, the more deferred maintenance items there are. A deferred maintenance item is a building need, component, or system that has surpassed its useful life. If no action is taken to address deferred maintenance items, a building's deferred maintenance backlog will continue to grow further worsening the FCI. The only way to improve (decrease) a building's FCI, is to reduce the backlog at a higher rate than items are added to the backlog. The ability to accomplish this is dependent mainly on the resources available to address deferred facility maintenance.


The current data shows that out of the 19 buildings that Building Services supports, 16% of buildings are in “good condition.” As projects are completed, the backlog of repairs for each building will be reduced thereby increasing the number of buildings that are in “good” condition.
Note: to see the underlying data for this chart, please select the "View Source Data" link to the left.

Additional Measure Insights

The pie chart displays Building Service's portfolio of managed buildings by square footage, and includes the associated Facility Condition Index score. 

Measure Details and Definition

1) Definition: This measure evaluates the percentage of all measured buildings that are rated "Good" in the Facilities Condition Index.

2) Calculation method: To calculate the percentage of City facilities rated as "Good," the number of buildings rated as “Good” are divided by the total number of buildings currently being measured.

3) Data Collection Process:  The initial facilities backlog and current replacement value data was calculated by Dude Solutions, a third-party vendor. The data is maintained by Building Services property managers. 

4) Measure Target Calculation: Due to the sizable deferred maintenance backlog and very high standard for receiving a "Good" rating, a target of 30% is a good goal. That reflects a goal of 6 of our currently measured 19 facilities being rated "Good." 

5) Frequency Measure is Reported:  Annually (Fiscal Year)

Date page was last updated: September 2021