West Rundberg Lane

As part of the 2016 Mobility Bond's Corridor Mobility Program, the City of Austin is updating the design of improvements to an extension of West Rundberg Lane from Burnet Road to Metric Boulevard. In 2019, the City received funds from the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) that will allow the City to move forward on construction after the design phase is complete.

West Rundberg Lane is considered an arterial roadway. Arterial roadways are intended to carry higher amounts of traffic at a higher speed than neighborhood streets, and provide essential connections to the transportation network.

West Rundberg Lane Arterial Roadway

The City of Austin completed preliminary engineering and design of the West Rundberg extension using 2010 Mobility Bond Program funds. Later, funding was allocated through the 2016 Mobility Bond was to advance the project further in the project development process. Currently, this project has been advanced to roughly 95% design, and the City is working to finalize the identification and acquisition of additional right-of-way needed. Previously identified funding through a Capital Area Metropolitan Planning (CAMPO) grant has been deferred at this time. However, construction of the final roadway connection project will occur once construction funding has been confirmed.
The West Rundberg Lane Extension Project improves connectivity between Burnet Road and Metric Boulevard by extending West Rundberg Lane to connect the two major arterials, providing a needed east-west connection across north Austin. This extension is a 2040 CAMPO RTP-preferred east-west connection within a 2040 Plan Center that will provide significant mobility and access improvements for the region. The connection is also recommended in the North Lamar/Burnet Corridor Mobility Plan, and it is specifically called for in the North Burnet Gateway Master Plan as integral to the connectivity of the district for all modes of transportation.
Plans for the West Rundberg Lane extension project include a four-lane divided road with sidewalks and bike lanes that connect to the City’s larger network. The project also includes a new intersection at Burnet Road, which will be crucial for safe movement of all modes across this busy segment of Burnet Rd.

Anticipated Project Timeline

The Corridor Mobility Team is currently updating design of the West Rundberg extension, which is funded by the 2016 Mobility Bond. There is not an estimated timeline for completion of design and construction at this time.
For more information about West Rundberg Lane, visit the Project Explorer
If you have a specific inquiry about West Rundberg Lane, contact Trisha Rangil at Corridors@AustinTexas.gov or 512-974-1061.

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