2023 Winter Storm Mara

The Winter Storm Mara After-Action Reports are an analysis of more than 100 documents, plans, surveys and interviews with staff published  as part of an effort to ready the  City, County and community  for  future impacts of the climate crisis and other potential hazards. 
More than 30 departments came together in response to the storm, and this report represents an assessment of that response. Through analysis the City found strengths and weaknesses, successes and shortcomings through its response before, during and after Winter Storm Mara. 
Through the lessons learned and effective solutions in action in this report, the City strives to grow in its own preparedness and work toward a more resilient emergency response.
As Central Texas begins to see more prolonged, severe and significant weather events like Winter Storm Mara, it is important that efforts be made by the City and its community members to prepare for severe weather. The City is committed to helping residents know what to do in the event of an emergency and building resiliency in our neighborhoods and communities. It is everyone's responsibility to look out for themselves, their family, friends and neighbors -- especially during a crisis. 
After Action Reports
City of Austin and Travis County Winter Storm Mara After Action Report (Combined with Austin Energy and Austin Resource Recovery After Action Report)
Winter Storm Mara Dashboard
The Corrective Action Plan for Winter Storm Mara will be updated in Winter 2023. Once this plan is uploaded into CRISP, the data for improvement recommendations can be viewed and tracked here.