Count of Individuals earning less than the living wage.


This dataset reflects the number of employees at the City of Austin that are currently paid below the $20 per hour living wage. This dataset supports measure(s) EOA.B.5 of SD23.  
Out of nearly 16,000 employees, no employees do not currently meet the living wage. In past years we may have seen a few employees below the living wage but that is typically because the employees have voluntarily chosen to receive below the living wage or, in most cases, are receiving educational credit for their positions with the City of Austin. With this information, the City of Austin is considered to have met our goal on behalf of the community for meeting the living wage set by Council.


Effective October of 2022 the Living Wage was increased to $20.00 per hour fort regular and temporary employees.
Prior to that, for Regular Employees, the living wage of $15.00 per hour was Fiscal Year 2018/2019. For Temporary Employees, the living wage was $13.84 per hour and was increased to $15.00 per hour in February 2019.
The change in the measure seen over the last few years reflects the changes made in the living wage amount and number of employees impacted.  As changes to the living wage were made over time the City of Austin made the necessary adjustments for personnel, and the number of employees making below the living wage has significantly dropped.  This trend will likely continue to drop and remain at zero in the coming years.  

Additional Measure Insights

It is important to note that over the last several years before 2022 the city has shown 1 employee over the living wage but that individual, the mayor, had elected to earn no salary. Therefore, the city has met its goal of having no individuals under the living wage since at least 2020. 

Measure Details and Definition

1) Definition: This is a count of individuals earning less than the living wage.
2) Calculation method: This measure is a count of individuals city wide earning less than $18 an hour.
3) Data Collection Process: This is manually researched annually by reviewing banner system payroll reports. 
4) Measure Target Calculation: The target was calculated by taking an average of the last two years. One percentage point was then added as an aspirational goal.
5) Frequency Measure is Reported: Measure Time Period: Annually (Calendar Year)

Date page was last updated: February 2023