East Rundberg Lane

In 2013, a preliminary engineering report (PER) was completed for East Rundberg Lane. This report included plans to extend East Rundberg between Cameron Road and Ferguson Lane. As part of the 2016 Mobility Bond, the City of Austin received funding to progress beyond the PER and complete design up to 60% for the East Rundberg Lane project. 
In spring 2018, the Corridor Program Office completed 60% design for the East Rundberg extension. Remaining design work and subsequent construction of this project pends additional funding. 

East Rundberg Lane Arterial Roadway

East Rundberg Lane is considered an arterial roadway. Arterial roadways are intended to carry higher amounts of traffic at a higher speed than neighborhood streets and provide essential connections to the transportation network.
The East Rundberg extension, from Cameron Road to Ferguson Lane, is a proposed roadway connection designated in the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. The purpose of the East Rundberg Lane extension is to provide needed east-west connection across north Austin. The preliminary engineering report previously prepared in 2013 was funded using 2010 Bond funds. The funding allocated in the 2016 Mobility Bond was used to advance the project further in the project development process. Specifically, the 2016 Mobility Bond provided funds to complete design work for East Rundberg Lane through 60%, and the Corridor Program Office completed 60% design work for this project in spring 2018. Remaining design work and subsequent construction pends additional funding.
To view the current proposed alignment for the East Rundberg Lane extension, click here.  The proposed alignment for the extension has been updated since E Rundberg Lane's preliminary engineering report (completed 2013).
If you have a specific inquiry about East Rundberg Lane, email Corridors@AustinTexas.gov or 512-974-1061.

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