Number of people employed in the creative sector in the Austin Metropolitan Statistical Area
This measure demonstrates the amount of people employed in the Creative Sector by specific industry codes, called NAICS [North American Industry Classification System]. There are 59 industries which are considered Creative Sector. The industries are visible in the dataset called Strategic Measure_Number of People Employed in Creative Sector Industries, CLL.B.2. Austin is considered to have a healthy ecosystem of creative sector professionals.
Refer to Austin's "Score" on the Creative Vitality Index.
Across almost all Creative Sector industries, Austin metro area has lost jobs with the exception of creative civic and social organizations hiring 2,279 more people, nearly balancing out the loss of 3,391 independent artists, writers and performers.
Note: To see the underlying data for this chart, please select the "View Source Data" link to the left.
Additional Measure Insights
Top ten industries employing the most creative sector professionals are below.
Measure Details and Definition
1) Definition: This measure states how many people are employed in specific Creative Sector industries.
2) Calculation method: Total count of jobs by Creative Sector industry.
3) Data Collection Process: This data is collected from various federal data sets, including the Bureau of Labor and Statistics and formatted by Creative Vitality Suite. Data represents outcomes from two years prior. Example, data reported in 2022 is from 2020 outcomes.
4) Measure Target Calculation: City of Austin aims to at least hold steady on the number of jobs in Creative Sector industries.
5) Frequency Measure is Reported: Annually (Calendar Year)
Date page was last updated: September 2022