Substandard Streets
Through the 2016 and 2020 Bonds, the City of Austin is reviewing opportunities for substandard street improvements and capital renewal projects. The 2016 Mobility Bond included $11 million for preliminary engineering on substandard streets and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure. The 2020 Safety and Active Transportation Bond builds on these preliminary engineering recommendations and includes funding for a selected number of substandard street improvements and preliminary engineering for additional substandard streets.
Substandard Streets
Substandard streets are publicly owned roadways that do not meet current City street standards for safety, mobility and drainage.
Through the 2016 Mobility Bond, the City completed preliminary engineering reports for nine substandard streets in Fall 2019. Preliminary engineering identified potential mobility and safety improvements for possible future design and construction opportunities. Recommendations address substandard elements of the street, such as missing sidewalks, curbs, and drainage elements.
The 2020 Bond includes $53 million, which includes funding to construct improvements for Johnny Morris Road, Ross Road, and preliminary engineering for Nuckols Crossing Road and Bradshaw Road.