ATCEMS Performance Dashboard > Trauma Scene Interval per Quarter > Performance Measure Definition: Trauma Alert Scene Interval Compliance
Performance Measure Definition: Trauma Alert Scene Interval Compliance
Description: This
indicator measures how
long ATCEMS units remain on scene, assessing and treating patients who meet Physiological or Anatomical
criteria for triage to a Trauma Center (referred to as “Trauma Alerts”).
Desired Outcome: Trauma Alerts indicate situations where patient outcome is determined in large part by how quickly they receive definitive care. In these cases, ATCEMS personnel expedite assessment, packaging, and initiating transport to a Trauma Center.
Relevance: Alert
patients require rapid access to definitive care for their conditions. In these cases, ATCEMS personnel must
prioritize initiation of transport over non-lifesaving care.
Measure Domain: Clinical care
Type of Measure: Process
Operational Specifications
Formula Description: Trauma Alert Scene Interval Compliance is calculated by dividing
the count of Trauma Alert patient contacts with a scene time interval of less
than 15 minutes by the count of all Trauma Alert patient contacts.
Unit of Analysis: Patient contacts
- Numerator: Patient contacts documented as meeting Trauma Alert criteria, transported to a receiving facility, and have a scene time of less than 15 minutes.
- Denominator: All patient contacts meeting Trauma Alert criteria who are transported to a receiving facility.
Measure Frequency: Quarterly
Minimum Population/Sample: None
Performance Standard: ATCEMS
personnel will initiate transport of alert patients within 15 minutes of
arrival at scene, in 90 percent of all cases.
Acceptable Quality Level: Not defined
Interval Description: The time interval beginning with the Scene Arrival Time for the first on-scene transporting unit and ending with the Scene Departure time (from CAD) for the unit transporting the patient.
Reporting Value: Percent of patient contacts meeting performance target.
- Temporal aggregations (month, hour of day, etc.) are based on the date/time of earliest recorded call pickup.
- Other aggregations may be based on alert type, demographic factors, geography, or receiving facility.
Stratification: None
Limitations: None
Related Measures:
- CPI 01 - Trauma Alert Scene Time: The CPI indicator uses the same filter set as the compliance measure, but reports performance at the 90th percentile of scene intervals for a fiscal quarter. The CPI measure excludes patients for whom a scene delay was appropriate; these patients are included in the “goal met” population for the present compliance measure.
Notes: Transport delays may be unavoidable in some cases, such as delayed
access to patients due to scene safety issues, difficulty identifying or
reaching patient, etc.
Performance is reported on a quarterly basis due to generally small
monthly alert patient counts.
The measure definition was
edited in September 2016, changing exclusion criteria, numerator calculations,
and denominator calculations in order to support future performance bundle
ATCEMS Open Performance Dashboard
- Dashboard Performance Goal: Trauma Scene Interval Less Than 15 Minutes
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart for current and previous fiscal year.
- Update Frequency: Quarterly
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS – Quarterly Clinical Measures – Trauma Alert]
City of Austin Open Data Portal
- Medium: Data table
- Table Name: EMS - Quarterly Clinical Measures – Trauma Alert
- Columns: Count – Trauma Alerts; Count – Trauma Alert Scene Interval Compliance; Percent – Trauma Alert Scene Interval Compliance
- Aggregation Level: Fiscal Quarter
- Update Frequency: Quarterly
Travis County Performance Dashboard
- Medium: Web site chart:
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart of monthly values, beginning in the first quarter of FY2013-14.
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS - Quarterly Clinical Measures – Trauma Alert]
Office of the Medical Director, Austin/Travis County EMS
System (2016). “Clinical Reference CR-30:
Regional Trauma System Adult and Pediatric Criteria.” Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Service System Clinical
Operating Guidelines version 021716.
Development Status: Actively reporting
Definition Version: Version C
Revision Date: 2017-04-26
Revised By: David Andersen