ATCEMS Performance Dashboard > Stroke Bundle Completion per Quarter > Performance Measure Definition: Stroke Alert Transport Destination
Performance Measure Definition: Stroke Alert Transport Destination
Description: This indicator measures the percentage of patients who
meet Stroke Alert criteria and accept care by EMS that are taken to an
appropriate stroke specialty care facility.
Desired Outcome: All patients who need and accept medical care related to a Stroke Alert are transported to an appropriate stroke specialty care facility.
Relevance: Patients who are experiencing a stroke need to be taken to a designated stroke specialty care facility that will be able to rapidly diagnose the patient’s condition and provide appropriate definitive care.
Measure Domain: Clinical Care
Type of Measure: Process
Operational Specifications
Formula Description: Count of patients meeting Stroke Alert criteria who are transported to an approved receiving facility or have a documented reason for exception, divided by the count of all patients meeting Stroke Alert criteria.
Unit of Analysis: Patient contacts
- Numerator: Patients who meet Stroke Alert criteria AND either are transported to an approved receiving facility, or personnel have documented an appropriate reason for exception to transport to an approved receiving facility.
- Denominator: Count of patients meeting Stroke Alert criteria who are transported to a receiving facility.
Measure Frequency: Quarterly
Minimum Population/Sample: None
Performance Standard: At
least 95% of patients identified as meeting Stroke Alert criteria will be
transported to an appropriate specialty care facility or have documented reason
for exception.
Acceptable Quality Level: Performance may not fall more than 3% for more than two consecutive quarters or any three quarters in a year.
Interval Description: None
Reporting Value(s): Percent of patient contacts that meet performance criteria
- Temporal aggregations (month, hour of day, etc.) are based on the date/time of earliest recorded call pickup.
- Geographic aggregation is based on incident location
Stratification: None
Limitations: This indicator is limited to those patients contacted by ATCEMS outside a clinical setting.
Related Measures: None
Notes: This measure is a component of the Stroke Alert Bundle
performance indicator.
ATCEMS Open Performance Dashboard
- Dashboard Performance Goal: Stroke Treatment Bundle (related measure)
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart for current and previous fiscal year.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS – Quarterly Clinical Measures - Stroke Alert]
City of Austin Open Data Portal
- Medium: Data table
- Table Name: EMS - Quarterly Clinical Measures - Stroke Alert
- Columns: Count – Stroke Alerts; Count – Stroke Center Transports; Percent – Stroke Center Transports
- Aggregation Level: Fiscal Quarter
- Update Frequency: Quarterly
Travis County Performance Dashboard
- Medium: Web site chart:
- Orientation: External
- Format: Line chart of monthly values, beginning FY2014-Q1.
- Data Source: Open Data table [EMS - Quarterly Clinical Measures - Stroke Alert]
Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Austin and Travis County for Emergency Medical Services (Fiscal Year 2014)
of the Medical Director, Austin/Travis County EMS System (2016). “Clinical Guideline M-18: Suspected Stroke,
Adult.” Austin-Travis County Emergency
Medical Service System Clinical Operating Guidelines version 021716.
of the Medical Director, Austin/Travis County EMS System (2016). “Clinical Standard CS-34: Stroke Alert
Criteria.” Austin-Travis County Emergency
Medical Service System Clinical Operating Guidelines version 021716.
Development Status: Actively reporting
Definition Version: Version D
Revision Date: 2017-01-31
Revised By: David Andersen