East Braker Lane Extension
East Braker Lane will extend from its current endpoint at Dawes Place approximately 0.75 miles to Samsung Boulevard. Once complete, the project is expected to reduce congestion on East Parmer Lane and future Safe Routes to School improvements to Taebaek Drive. The project is in alignment with the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, a comprehensive, citywide transportation plan adopted in 2019. Transportation and Public Works has plans for future Safe Routes to School improvements to Taebaek Drive.
Estimated construction date: February 2024
Proposed Improvements
- New four-lane arterial roadway divided by a median with left-turn lanes at Taebaek Drive
- Center-turn lanes for vehicles turning onto Taebaek Drive or Samsung Boulevard from Braker Lane
- Sidewalks on both sides of the street along the project limits
- Pedestrian crossing at Taebaek Drive will provide space for people walking, biking, and rolling to cross safely
- Installation of a protected bicycle lane on the north side and an off-street bicycle lane on the south side
- Extension of Taebaek Drive to connect to new East Braker Lane roadway
- Curb, gutter and drainage improvements
- Detention pond for runoff and water quality enhancements
Project Updates
Upcoming: Groundbreaking Ceremony, February 16, 2024
The City of Austin continues its permitting processes and anticipates the project to begin construction in February 2024. Barring unforeseen circumstances or weather delays, the construction will last for up to 24 months.
Meet the Contractor: February 21, 2024
A Meet the Contractor event will be held on February 21, 2024 at Pioneer Crossing Elementary School from 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. City staff and members of the consultant team will be present to answer questions about the project.
February 2023: 100% Design
The project team has reached the 100% design milestone for this project.
Community Outreach
The project team hosted a virtual public meeting on January 5th, 2023 to gain community feedback on the Braker Lane Extension project’s needs and proposed versus existing conditions. This feedback informed the environmental report.
The City of Austin and Travis County both identified the extension of East Braker Lane as a priority project to improve the regional street network. This project led by the Austin Transportation Department and Travis County’s project further east would, in tandem, improve mobility in the area and accommodate future growth. This project would use both City of Austin and State of Texas funds and is part of the 2045 Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Regional Roadway System plan.
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