Median Earnings of Metro-Area Creative Sector Occupations
Of the 48 occupations deemed as Creative Sector occupations, the median hourly earnings are $19.57 for calendar year 2020.
The Austin Economic Development Department provides several activities, workspace, services, and facilities to increase income for artists, musicians, creatives, and venues, including:
* African American Heritage Facility
* People’s Gallery
* FACES of Austin
* Austin-Toronto Music Alliance
* Music on Hold
* Art Education, Training & Awareness
Affordability and mobility concerns increase in the City of Austin, when the median earnings for the Creative Sector have slowly decreased over the last several years despite significant cost-of-living increases. This data in comparison with another dataset "Dollars-per-hour wage that an individual must earn to support a family" in Travis County is several dollars different per hour and demonstrates the financial strains on creatives.
Note: To see the underlying data for the chart, please select the "View Source Data" link.
Additional Measure Insights
The dataset can be cross-cut to see the number of jobs by race and ethnicity across the Creative Sector occupations.
Measure Details and Definition
1) Definition: This measure shows how much a middle-of-the-road Creative Sector employee in the Austin area earns per hour.
2) Calculation method: Measure reflects the average of median earnings of the 53 Creative Sector occupations.
3) Data Collection Process: Collected and reported by 3rd party provider, Creative Vitality Suite.
4) Measure Target Calculation: Under current conditions of growing unaffordability, the City of Austin aims to at least maintain the median hourly rate.
5) Frequency Measure is Reported: Annually (Calendar Year)
Date page was last updated: September 2022