ATCEMS Open Data Catalog

Austin-Travis County EMS contributes a number of tables to the City of Austin Open Data portal. The data in these tables are available to the public for use in research, presentations, or app development. These tables serve as the data source for many of the performance measures presented in our dashboards.
This catalog describes the data that ATCEMS publishes to the Open Data portal.  It will be updated as new data sets are added, or as existing tables are modified.   If you have questions, contact the EMS Data Analysis team.

General Purpose Data Sets
These are tables that we update on a regular basis – either monthly or quarterly.  They describe various aspects of department operations and services.  The data presented in these tables are used for the reports and dashboards we publish.
The following sections describe each table, including data sources and limitations. Each section includes a link to the Open Data table.
Incidents by Month
An incident is an event for which someone requests assistance from ATCEMS – generally through a 911 call.  Incidents per Month is a primary measure of demand for service. 
This table contains incident counts for each month, broken out by location (City of Austin, Travis County, or Other) and response priority (Priority 1 through 5). Response time performance, reported as a percentage of incidents meeting response time goals, is included for each priority and location.
Data come from the Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch system. It includes all incidents received through the Emergency Communications center. Pre-scheduled activities such as special event standbys (e.g. Austin City Limits festival, Austin Marathon, etc.) are not included in this data set.  Records are available starting from October 2010.
Ambulance Responses per Month
Each incident results in one or more ambulance responses, based on the number of patients and other factors at the scene. Response counts help us track the Department’s workload on an on-going basis. 
This table contains response counts for each month, broken out by location. Data are limited to regularly scheduled ambulances; units that are not ambulances, or that work on an irregular basis are not included in this table.
Data come from the Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch system.  Records are available starting from October 2010.
Patient Contacts per Month
A patient is someone who receives assistance from our personnel. Generally, this involves assessing them, providing treatment, and taking them to an emergency room for continuing care. Patient Contacts are another measure of Department workload.
This table contains counts of patients encountered each month, broken out by location (City of Austin, Travis County, or Other). It also contains counts of patients transported by the Department, also broken out by location. The final section of the table contains patient transport rates – that is, the percent of all patients contacted who are taken to the hospital. When calculating transport rates, we do not include patients who are determined to be deceased on scene, since they are not eligible for transport.
Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system. Records are available starting from October 2010.
Patient Transport Destinations
ATCEMS transports patients to seventeen hospitals and three free-standing emergency departments in Central Texas. This table contains the count of patients transported to each facility every month, going back to October 2010. The table includes a destination of Other/Missing for cases where data is either absent, incorrect, or reflects transport to another facility such as transport to a Bastrop hospital following a mutual aid response into Bastrop County.
Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system.
Quarterly Clinical Measures – STEMI Alert
STEMI is short for “S-T Elevated Myocardial Infarction,” a common type of heart attack that our paramedics are trained to identify and treat.  These emergencies are extremely time sensitive – STEMI patients need rapid interventions and transport to specialty hospitals that can quickly provide definitive care for this condition.
This table contains data related to our treatment of STEMI patients.  Indicators include patient counts, aspirin administration, compliance with scene time targets, and transport to specialty centers.  Data are aggregated on a quarterly basis due to relatively small monthly patient counts.
Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system and computer-aided dispatch system. Records are available starting from October 2013.
Quarterly Clinical Measures – Stroke Alert
Stroke is a condition where blood flow in the brain has been interrupted due to a blockage or bleeding.  These emergencies are very time-sensitive, since injury to brain tissue can begin within minutes of onset.  There is little that our medics can do to treat these patients.  They need rapid assessment and transport to specialty hospitals that can quickly provide definitive diagnosis and care.
This table contains data related to our treatment of stroke patients.  Indicators include patient counts, assessment procedures, compliance with scene time targets, and transport to specialty centers.  Data are aggregated on a quarterly basis due to relatively small monthly patient counts.
Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system and computer-aided dispatch system. Records are available starting from October 2013.
Quarterly Clinical Measures – Trauma Alert
Trauma Alert refers to patients who meet criteria for transport to a Trauma Center based on their vital signs or location and type of injury.  These patients often need rapid surgical intervention to minimize the effects of their wounds.
This table contains data related to our treatment of trauma patients.  Indicators include patient counts, compliance with scene time targets, and transport to trauma centers.  Data are aggregated on a quarterly basis due to relatively small monthly patient counts.
Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system and computer-aided dispatch system. Records are available starting from October 2013.
Quarterly Call to Door Intervals
Call-to-door interval measures the time between a 911 call and arrival of the patient at the hospital.  We track this time for patients with time sensitive conditions: STEMI, strokes, and serious injuries.  This indicator tells us how well the parts of our response system work together to meet the needs of these groups.
This table contains call-to-door performance for each of the alert groups, and for all three groups as a whole.  Data are aggregated on a quarterly basis due to relatively small monthly patient counts.
Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system and computer-aided dispatch system. Records are available starting from October 2013.
Quarterly Cardiac Arrest Measures
Treatment of cardiac arrest patients is one of the most common indicators used in measuring EMS system performance.  This table contains data related to cardiac arrest resuscitations.
Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system. Records are available starting from October 2013.
Quarterly OMD Clinical Performance Indicators
The Austin/Travis County EMS System Office of the Medical Director (OMD) uses a series of clinical performance indicators to assess overall EMS system performance.  We also use these indicators as part of individualized feedback we provide to our field personnel.
This table contains data for all seven OMD clinical indicators.  Data come from the Department’s electronic patient care record system and computer-aided dispatch system. Records are available starting from October 2013.
Communications Measures
The ATCEMS Communications Center is the first point of contact with our Department for people having an emergency. Communications Medics ensure that the right help arrives at the right place at the right time.  They also provide instructions to callers, allowing the public to become the first first responders, until public safety personnel arrive on the scene.
This table contains data related to Communications Center performance, including 911 call volume, call answer and processing time, and compliance with national standard performance metrics.  The data come from the computer-aided dispatch system, and systems used to monitor and evaluate call-taking performance.  Records are available starting from October 2013.
Finance Measures
ATCEMS bills for services, using a rate structure approved by the Austin City Council.  Revenues are returned to the General Fund, reducing the cost to the City and County of providing EMS coverage.
This table contains data related to revenue collection, aggregated by month.  Data come from the Department’s accounts receivable management system. Records are available starting from October 2013.
Fleet Maintenance
Fleet reliability is a key component of the department’s ability to provide timely care to the community. Preventative maintenance prevents unit failures or unanticipated repairs, thereby ensuring dependable fleet operation, which leads in turn to consistent department response and transport capabilities.
This table contains data on maintenance of the department response fleet – ambulances, command trucks, and utility vehicles. It includes the number of vehicles due for preventative maintenance each month, and the percentage that are serviced.  The data are broken out by the three vehicle types in addition to describing overall performance.
Data are provided by the City of Austin Fleet Services department, and verified by the ATCEMS Fleet Manager. Data are available from October 2012.
Customer Satisfaction by Month
ATCEMS conducts phone surveys of all patients or their family members for whom the department has a valid phone number. The survey is performed within 72 hours of department contact with the patient.
This table contains data describing patient satisfaction with ATCEMS services in response to a question posed in the survey, aggregated by month.  Records are available starting from October 2013.

Special Purpose Data Sets
We publish a number of data sets into the Open Data portal to support initiatives such as the publication of our Annual Report.  Once published, these data sets are not updated.  They may be deprecated without notice as needs change.  This section lists those tables; for more information on them, check the metadata published with the table in the Open Data portal.