Number and Percentage of Commercial and Mixed-use Development Permits Issued in Image Austin Activity Centers and Corridors
in 2012, the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan is a guide for prioritizing Austin's
growth over the next 30 years. The Plan encourages development and infrastructure
investment in activity centers and corridors in support of the creation of
complete communities. While the City has not established a target for this
measure, 55.3% of the total number of commercial building permits issued were for projects
located in Imagine Austin Activity Centers and Corridors in fiscal year 2022. This equates to 759 commercial building permits out of a total of 1,372. It is important to note that the data
as collected does not distinguish between commercial and mixed-use, and
includes multi-family development permits.
In fiscal year 2022, the number of commercial building
permits issued in Imagine Austin Activity Centers and Corridors resumed its upward trend following a dip in fiscal year 2021. Since fiscal year 2012, the percentage has remained over 50%, from 50.4% in fiscal year 2012 to a high of 66.3% in fiscal year 2018.
Note: to see the underlying data for this chart, please click the vertical dots menu and select "View Source Data."
Additional Measure Insights
fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2022, 58% of all commercial building
permits issued have been in Imagine Austin Activity Centers and Corridors,
which equates to a total of 6,765 permits out of 11,638. The map below demonstrates the location of the
referenced permitting activity beginning October 1, 2011, with the largest
concentration in the downtown area. Each red dot represents a commercial building permit issued inside an Imagine Austin Activity Center or Corridor.
Measure Details and Definition
1) Definition: This measure is the percentage of commercial building permits issued in Imagine
Austin Activity Centers and Corridors. For corridors, the data represents permits issued
for units within ¼ mile of either side of the Corridor.
2) Calculation method: For each Fiscal Year, the number of commercial building permits issued in Imagine Austin Activity Centers and Corridors is divided by the total
number of commercial building permits issued in the City of Austin.
3) Data Collection Process: The
data is compiled using information retrieved from the City’s permitting database.
4) Measure Target Calculation: A
target for this measure has not been established.
5) Frequency Measure is Reported: Annually
(Fiscal Year)
Date page was last updated: March 2023