About Us
Welcome to Data.AustinTexas.gov
The City of Austin’s Open Data Portal – Data.AustinTexas.gov – provides access to data and information about your city government. We
encourage the use of public data to spark innovation, promote community
collaboration, increase government transparency, and inform decision
making. To learn about the City’s Open Data Terms of Use, click here.
The Open Data Portal is administered by the Open Data Team at the Communications and Technology Management Department. The team helps City departments and their Open Data Liaisons share data with the public by providing support and access to the site. The portal is powered by Tyler Technologies, a software company specializing in open data technology. They provide free online user training to help you navigate the portal, which you can access by clicking here.
Data Liaisons are responsible for coordinating and executing the delivery of open data initiatives on behalf of their departments. They manage and maintain their department’s datasets on the portal. You can contact a dataset owner, if you have questions about a dataset.
On December 8, 2011, Austin City Council approved Resolution No.
20111208-074 (PDF, 135 KB) affirming the City Council's commitment to Open
Government and directing the City Manager to work with the Community Technology
and Telecommunications Commission to develop recommendations for elements of an
Open Government Framework that addresses open data, open source platforms,
mobile applications, and social media.
To take yet another step toward our goals for Open Government, on August
26, 2013, the City of Austin released the Open
Government Directive (PDF, 239 KB). This directive outlines specific steps
for City departments to achieve the goal of creating a more open government,
increasing public trust, and establishing a system of public participation,
collaboration, and accountability.
“We operate best when we are operating in the open. We make better decisions and we build trust that way. And trust is certainly the foundation that allows us to work on behalf of the public. Without that trust we lose legitimacy.”—Spencer Cronk, Austin City Manager, April 2018