Number of households benefiting from Customer Assistance Program (CAP)


The Customer Assistance Program has seen a steady rise in the number of unique participants since March of 2020 when the COVID-19 Pandemic began.
Under the program, qualifying Austin Energy customers receive a waiver of the $10 monthly electric customer charge; are exempt from paying the portion of the community benefit charge that supports the Utility Bill Discount Program; and they receive a 10% discount on their kWh usage charge. Austin Water customers also receive a discount on the water/wastewater customer charge as well as a volumetric discount on a customer’s water usage. Watershed Protection provides a 50% discount on the drainage fee. Public Works under a separate qualification waives the transportation user fee.
In response to COVID-19, the City of Austin has implemented a Bill Relief Program to provide further assistance to customers who have been financially impacted. In addition to increases in benefits offered through the Customer Assistance Program,electric charges have been reduced by 32% for residential and commercial customers, which will result in approximately a 4% reduction of the total bill.
Note: There is no target for the Customer Assistance Program participation. While the number of unique participants in the program is used for planning, budget, accounting, and reporting purposes, it is not a measure of success.


Changes in enrollment are impacted by a variety of factors, including the median income of Austin Residents, the ability to identify participants and automatically enroll them, the wrap-around services offered to participants by both City departments and community providers, and expansions to the program itself.
The biggest shift recently is a break of of the downward trend that began in FY 2018 and lasted until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020.
Note: To see the underlying data for this chart, please select the "View Source Data" link.

Additional Measure Insights

Customers who qualify for utility bill discounts are receiving an average of $792 per year per family, $248 of which comes from Austin Energy. Total utility bill savings for the recipients is over $18 million annually.

To learn more about the City of Austin's Customer Assistance Program, Plus 1 Fund, Payment Arrangement options, Services for the Medically Vulnerable, and Weatherization offerings please visit

To see the latest data on these programs, please visit their source data:

To view Austin Energy's Annual Performance Report, please visit

Measure Details and Definition

1) Definition:  This is a measure of how many people are in the City of Austin's Customer Assistance Program.
2) Calculation method: This measure is a count of people enrolled in a program. There is no additional calculation.
3) Data Collection Process: This information is collected in Austin Energy's Customer Care & Billing System, and provided by the Customer Assistance Program staff annually.
4) Measure Target Calculation: There is no target for this measure.
5) Frequency Measure is Reported: Annually (Fiscal Year)
Date page was last updated: March 2021