EMS Annual Report 2017 Home > Preparing New Medics
Preparing New Medics
Starting in 2016, the Training
Academy transitioned from a 6 week to a 10 week academy. The additional
time was added to accommodate an EMT leveling class. The leveling class
allows us to bring the medical knowledge of the cadets up to ATCEMS
expectations. The leveling class along with other city specific classes
comprise the first 3 week of the Academy. The remainder of the Academy
covers both ATCEMS operational specific training and medical training.
Some examples of the operational training include Medic Safety, in
depth drivers training and water safety training. During the drivers
training program, the cadets completed 24 hours of both didactic and
hands on training with CEVO (Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator).
Our medical training includes comprehensive skills evaluation and high
fidelity medical scenarios.
• Graduated the largest BLS Academy in ATCEMS history
• Enhanced the overall medical knowledge for each cadet by providing a diverse educational platform to encompass all learning style.
• Transforms the cadets fitness level which allows the cadet to successfully continue a healthy lifestyle
Academy Process FY 2017
Average Days to Clear Academy (from date of hire)
FY 2016-2017 Medic I Cadet Academy VO2 Percentages
VO2 max, or maximal oxygen uptake is a common measurement used to
determine overall fitness, because it is linked to aerobic endurance.
VO2 max is the measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen that an
individual can utilize during intense, or maximal exercise. VO2 Max
score is generally considered one of the best indicators of
cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. The higher the percentage
the more efficient the heart and the body are.
Physical Training (PT) in the academy is structured and challenging
for any fitness level. Cadets participate in some form of PT every day
of the academy. The purpose of PT is to not only improve the health
and fitness of the cadet but to also encourage team building and
personal accountability that will inspire the cadet to continue physical
fitness throughout their career here at Austin-Travis County EMS.
Physical training consists of a balance of aerobic
conditioning as well as weight training. In the first week of the
academy, a VO2 aerobic fitness assessment is performed on each cadet
through a 2000m row test, a 1.5 mile run test and a muscle endurance
test all completed in 3 consecutive days. That information is recorded
and the assessment is repeated at the end of the academy to evaluate
fitness improvement. (See Chart Below)
Each week of the academy PT consists of intense aerobic
exercise including rowing, long distance runs, sprint runs, interval
runs, and tower stair climbing. Weight training is incorporated in at
least 3 out of the 5 days of training per week. Weight training is
performed in a circuit routine with dynamic lifting, focusing on
conditioning and building functional muscle groups essential in EMS.
Weight training includes weight baring dynamic squats, band training,
and core strength and muscle endurance routines with upper body training
using dumb bells, medicine balls, and kettle bells. Callisthenic
exercises are also a large part of the everyday PT routine including
plank variations.
Most cadets show a significant increase in their aerobic
capacity and overall fitness. The Academy continues to refine the cadet
PT program to ensure the best wellness and fitness to prepare the cadets
for a long healthy career.
ALS Academy
The Academy staff continues to play a role in the OMD ALS Academy. The ALS Academy gave our Medic I (BLS) providers the opportunity to credential into the Medic II (paramedic) position. This Academy consisted of 1-8 hour day a week for 16 weeks. AT the end of the 16 weeks, each provider then completed a comprehensive exam along with an oral interview with the medical director. In 2016, 33 EMS department candidates participated in the OMD ALS Academy.