The City of Austin has long been committed to transparency in the budget process and with Open Budget ATX, we take transparency to the next level by making the details of the City's budget far easier for the community to explore. This site allows users to view the Proposed and Amended Budgets plus actual expenses for the entire City. This is an exciting step forward as we transition away from a static PDF to more dynamic and engaging ways to connect our community with how their taxes and fees are utilized to serve them.
How to Navigate
Open Budget ATX uses search-based
navigation, with auto-suggest functions integrated into the search bar
at the top of the page. Your search can be as summarized or detailed as
you like. Whether you want to see all of the funding and expenditures
related to the General Fund or perhaps computer hardware, the search bar
is a great way to find the information in Open Budget ATX.
The two primary categories within the search are color-coded: Revenue (orange) and Expenses (green).
During a search you will notice color-coded dots to the left of a key
word. For example, you might search Permits. Multiple results will be offered – First "Alarm Permits" and "Government permits and fees" with green dots to the left of the words and several more results with orange dots to the left of the words. As noted above, the green dot means the result will be related to the expense side of the budget and the orange dots mean the result is related to the revenue side of the budget.
As you begin your navigation, recognize that Open Budget will
automatically default to the current budget year. Within this tool, you
may also search through data from previous budget years.
Navigation allows easy access to the City’s budget detail and
actual expenses, with the further ability to view the
data in a format that fits your needs – in table, snapshot, or timeline
(over time) format.
At the bottom of each page you may click on the "Get This Data on
Socrata" link. This will provide you with the option to download the
data for further analysis using your own tools, or view the data on our
Open Data site with a suite of data filtering, sorting and visualizing
To view Budget documents, the City's Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report, Contract Catalog, eCheckbook, and more, please
visit Austin Finance Online.
Open Budget ATX is part of the City's overall Open Data efforts. We hope you will also visit Performance ATX and Austin Open Data.
Do you have questions or suggestions for Open Budget ATX? Submit them via email: BudgetQA@austintexas.gov
Click here to return to the Open Budget ATX homepage.