Imagine Austin Population and Jobs Forecast
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The population and jobs forecast for the Imagine Austin study area (City of Austin full, limited, and extra-territorial jurisdiction) serves as the quantitative foundation for the comprehensive plan, providing forecasts for years 2020, 2030, and ultimately the plan's horizon year - 2039. The forecast anticipates an additional 750,000 in population and 350,000 new jobs in the Imagine Austin study area by 2040. These forecasts are based on the theory that the rate of overall growth will begin to slow during the forecast period from historic highs. This moderate projection of future growth presents our community with an ethical responsibility to plan for a very likely future urban population and jobs environment.
At year five, the next milestones of 1.22 million total people and almost 740,000 total jobs by year 2020 seem to be within easy reach. A slight variance in historic trends has appeared as Austin's share of regional growth dropped to an all-time low (about 30%) in recent years. However, the city's share of overall regional job growth appears to have remained somewhat more stable than its slice of regional population growth. Although metropolitan job clusters are beginning to decentralize and spread out into regional centers, they are not dispersing as rapidly as accumulations of population are.
Read more about our place along the Imagine Austin Population and Jobs Forecast in the Year 5 Progress Report.