Cherrywood Neighborhood Bikeways
Austin Transportation is making changes on Wilshire Boulevard, Cherrywood Road, and Schieffer Avenue as part of a neighborhood bikeway project. This bikeway will help connect the All Ages and Abilities Bicycle Network between IH-35, Airport Blvd, and E 38th ½ St.
The project design aligns with recommendations from the Austin Bicycle Plan and the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. Funding for this project has been identified from the 2016 Mobility Bond Bikeways and Sidewalks Programs.
Construction of the project is progressing over three phases between 2021 and 2024.
Project updates
April 2022: Phase 2 Construction begins
Austin Transportation will begin construction this month on Phase 2 improvements:
- A new shared use path and signal improvements along and across IH-35 between Clarkson Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard.
- Sidewalk connections at IH-35 along Wilshire Boulevard and on Clarkson Avenue from 43rd Street to N IH-35 Service Road.
June 2021: Construction begins
Construction of the project will occur in three phases between 2021 and 2024. Austin Transportation will begin construction this month on Phase 1 improvements:
- New and modified speed management devices and markings along Schieffer Avenue and Cherrywood Road and at one location on Wilshire Boulevard.
- New flex post pinch point on Cherrywood Road at Boggy Creek.
- Striping and flex posts on Wilshire Boulevard to create a ramp connection to a future shared use path along the northbound IH-35 frontage road.
- At the "triangle" intersection of Wilshire Boulevard, Cherrywood Road, and Schieffer Avenue:
- Two new flex post crossing islands on the north and east sides of the Cherrywood Road and Schieffer Avenue intersection.
- A new crosswalk across Cherrywood Road at Wilshire Boulevard.
- Relocation of a stop sign on Schieffer Avenue closer to the intersection with Cherrywood Road.
- Two new flex post crossing islands on the north and east sides of the Cherrywood Road and Schieffer Avenue intersection.
January 2021: Updated design moves to implementation
reviewing all community feedback, the project team has updated
the design and is continuing to move the project forward to
implementation. Design updates include:
- Two new pedestrian crossing islands for crossing Cherrywood Road and Schieffer Avenue, connecting to existing sidewalks.
- Relocation of the stop sign at Schieffer Avenue at Cherrywood Road closer to the intersection.
- A rain garden at Wildwood Road and Wilshire Avenue.
- In coordination with Watershed Protection,
a new pinch point design
using rain gardens will provide pre-filtration of stormwater entering
Boggy Creek, improving water quality and removing contaminants in local
waterways, as well as slowing roadway speeds by allowing only one
vehicle to pass at a time.
June 2020: Updated design
After reviewing community feedback, the project team updated the proposed project design. Read the June 2020 stakeholder email.
Fall 2019: Project open house and survey
The project team debuted the initial proposed design at an open house at Maplewood Elementary School in September 2019. Read the fall 2019 stakeholder email.
The initial comment period was open from Tuesday, September 24 through Sunday, October 27, 2019.
Contact Us
For questions about the project, email the 2016 Mobility Bond team.
For media inquiries, call 512-974-8000.
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