
Most people age 50 and older want to stay in their homes and communities for as long as possible. In Austin, we are working to create and promote a variety of affordable housing options that are suitable for people of all ages.
Expand and promote the development of diverse housing options that are affordable for seniors of different income levels
  • Encourage the development of new and innovative models of affordable housing (multigenerational, co-housing/cooperative housing)
  • Increase and prioritize funding for affordable housing for seniors (housing bonds, housing trust fund)
  • Expedite the City's permitting process and promote flexible zoning
  • Increase outreach and community awareness about diverse housing options
Support and expand affordable housing options for seniors

  • Fund improvements and renovations of public housing for low-income seniors
  • Replicate successful models of mixed income senior housing communities and encourage redevelopment
  • Address the impact of increasing property taxes
  • Increase access to rent and utility assistance programs to keep seniors in their homes
Expand assistance for affordable home repair, maintenance and modification for seniors of all income levels
  • Expand support for the Austin Housing Repair Coalition
  • Increase home access for seniors through design modification that improves safety and "visitability"
  • Improve access to energy efficiency and weatherization programs
  • Expand the Village concept to engage volunteers and neighbors to help with simple, preventative maintenance
Have you called Austin home for many years?  You may be eligible for no-cost programs that lift some of the financial stress of owning a house. These programs may help you stay in your home and make it safer to age-in-place.    
To get more information about free home repair, tax relief and other programs visit AustinTexas.gov/AustinIsMyHome, or call  3-1-1.
The Transportation User Fee (TUF) is a fee assessed to residents and businesses based on the traffic levels generated by each dwelling unit or business. Residential customers may be eligible for a fee exemption if the person who is responsible for paying the utility bill meets one of the following criteria:
  • Age 65 or older; or
  • Does not own or regularly use a private motor vehicle
  • Property is vacant (determined automatically each month based on electric and water usage)
If you believe you are eligible for this exemption, click here to fill out the form online or download and complete the forms below and then email the form to TUFexemptions@austintexas.gov.
For additional exemption information, visit the City of Austin webpage or Austin Energy Customer Care at 512-494-9400.
Affordable Housing Online Search Tool (AHOST)
Haga clic aquí para ver esta página web en Español
Looking for affordable rental housing in the City of Austin?  Search the Affordable Housing Online Search Tool (AHOST) by entering your household income and household size to view affordable rental properties. https://www.austintexas.gov/page/affordable-housing-listing
Contact Information
For more information, Contact Us.
Official Website for the Commission on Seniors