Access & Empowerment

Everyone wants to feel valued and informed. Age-friendly communities are diverse and inclusive, and provide multiple ways for individuals to learn about activities, opportunities and their neighbors.

Respect and Social Inclusion

Expand programs that engage and empower older adults
  • Expand activities, services and programs likely to attract older adults (develop survey to determine priorities)
  • Promote age-friendly customer service practices in City departments
  • Support AustinUP in developing age-friendly business best practices
Create intergenerational opportunities for seniors
  • Invest in intergenerational education partnerships with colleges, schools, universities, libraries and senior programs
  • Ensure all City recreation centers provide programs and activities for seniors that are intergenerational and provide dynamic volunteer and co-learning opportunities
Expand access to services and participation by older adults in diverse communities
  • Recommend to Commission on Seniors to work with other commissions and boards representing diverse communities
  • Continue Commission on Seniors participation on the Joint Inclusion Committee, which advises City Council on diversity and inclusion issues
  • Ensure services and programs targeted to seniors respect racial, ethnic and cultural diversity and are welcoming and inclusive
  • Advocate that all City programs, services and strategic plans address the needs of seniors
Create a clearinghouse for information about matters related to older adults
  • Include information about city and state services, community organizations and other resources on all appropriate City communication channels

Communication and Information

Increase awareness about senior issues and perspectives
  • Broadcast Austin’s Commission on Seniors meetings at convenient times for older viewers
  • Urge City communications staff to include an “age-friendly” perspective in all communications materials and age-inclusive language, messaging and visuals in materials intended for older adult audiences
  • Provide multi-cultural information and resources, recognizing the diversity of Austin’s senior population
Promote technologies that help older adults connect to their community, friends and family
  • Expand technology training at City of Austin facilities
  • Encourage education through public-private partnerships
  • Offer learning opportunities for those without access to technology
  • Use all appropriate City communication channels to promote training opportunities

Contact Information
For more information, Contact Us.
Official Website for the Commission on Seniors