Austin Police Department
Open Policing Data Release

About the Austin Police Department Open Policing Data Release

The Austin Police Department has created an Open Policing Data Release website, hosted on the City of Austin Open Data Portal. This platform serves as a centralized hub for datasets, providing analysts and community members with access to timely, reliable, and well-documented information on policing activities. As outlined in Resolution 20230914-132, the website houses various datasets, encompassing both historic and current data. This growing and dynamic site will continue to expand as more datasets are added to continue communicating police data accurately and comprehensively. Additionally, it includes presentations and essential systems integral to the department’s operations.

National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Group A Crime

As of January 1, 2019, the Austin Police Department began operating as a Uniform Crime Reporting National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reporting agency. This dynamic dashboard collects and categorizes crimes reported by individuals, affecting property, and impacting society from January 1, 2020, onward. Updated monthly, the data encompasses entire months, ensuring the most current and comprehensive information.
For optimal experience, it's recommended to access this dashboard using a computer or laptop. Utilizing these devices will enable access to useful tooltips and the capability to interact with the visualizations.
APD Crime Statistics - NIBRS Group A Offenses

Cadets in Training

Cadets in Training data is collected from the APD Training Academy, beginning with the 143rd Cadet Class, which began on February 18, 2020. The dataset includes both full cadet classes and modified classes. Modified classes are comprised of individuals who already hold a TCOLE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement) Peace Officer license. It is important to note that the 150th Cadet Class was combined with the 151st Cadet Class, resulting in the exclusion of the 150th Cadet Class from the dataset.
For optimal experience, it's recommended to access this dashboard using a computer or laptop. Utilizing these devices will enable access to useful tooltips and the capability to interact with the visualizations.
APD Cadets in Training Dashboard

Retirements and Separations

Retirements and Separations data includes a list of sworn officers who have retired or separated from the Austin Police department, along with their retirement or separation date.
For optimal experience, it's recommended to access this dashboard using a computer or laptop. Utilizing these devices will enable access to useful tooltips and the capability to interact with the visualizations.
APD Retirements and Separations Dashboard

Computer Aided Dispatch Incidents

The Computer Aided Dispatch Incidents dataset includes information on two types of incidents: 911 calls, usually referred to as Calls for Service or Dispatched Incidents, and officer-initiated incidents recorded in the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. Dispatched incidents are received via 911 calls, while officer-initiated incidents are created by officers in the field.
This data excludes records that were canceled after being identified as duplicates of the same incident, such as when two 911 calls are made for the same incident. Additionally, it excludes records canceled because they were handled by another agency such as Austin Fire or Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services, or because they were found to not require a police response.

Calls for Service

The Calls for Service dataset is a filtered view of the APD Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Incidents dataset, focusing solely on incidents reported through 911 calls. Additionally, it is filtered to include data ranging from January 1, 2019, to the latest month available. This dataset is visualized in the APD 911 Calls for Service dashboard.
For optimal experience, it's recommended to access this dashboard using a computer or laptop. Utilizing these devices will enable access to useful tooltips and the capability to interact with the visualizations.
APD 911 Calls for Service Dashboard

Average Response Time
by Day and Hour

This Dataset includes the average response time by day and hour across days of the week and hours of the day. Response Times reflect the same information contained in the APD 911 Calls for Service 2019-2024 dataset.
For optimal experience, it's recommended to access this dashboard using a computer or laptop. Utilizing these devices will enable access to useful tooltips and the capability to interact with the visualizations.

Mental Health First Response Incidents

The Mental Health First Response Incidents dataset is a filtered view of the APD Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Incident dataset, focusing exclusively on incidents that were related to mental health. 
A CAD incident may be related to mental health for the following reasons:
  1. The initial or final incident description indicated a mental health component.
  2. The call disposition description indicated that the call response involved a mental health component.
  3. A crisis counselor was assigned to the call.
  4. An individual called 911 and asked for mental health services or the 911 call taker assessed that there was a mental health component to the call.
  5. The subject of a use of force related to the CAD incident was assessed to have displayed Emotionally Disturbed Person (EDP) conduct.

Use of Force with Demographics

The Use of Force dataset contains offense incidents where an officer engaged in physical contact with a subject using their body or any object, device, or weapon, excluding instances of unresisted escorting or handcuffing of a subject. Any complaint by a subject alleging pain or injury caused by an officer is considered a use of force incident, except for complaints of minor discomfort resulting from unresisted handcuffing.

A response to resistance report measures a single subject-officer interaction within a specific case. Subject resistance may lead to the use of multiple types of force by a single officer or multiple officers. Accordingly, the number of types of force used may exceed the total number of response to resistance reports.

Inquiries into Immigration Status

The Inquiries into Immigration Status dataset includes documented incidents where the APD has made inquiries into a subject’s immigration status.

Searches by Type with Demographics

The Searches by Type dataset details the type of search conducted on a subject during a motor vehicle traffic stop, as well as the criteria used by the officer for conducting the search.

Arrests by Lead Charge

When an officer finds it necessary to arrest an individual, such as upon witnessing a crime, having probable cause, or acting on a judge-issued arrest warrant, they are required to write an arrest report. The arrest report details the conditions of the arrest and directly pertains to the individual in question. Additionally, it includes specific details of the charges associated with the arrest.

Warnings by Lead Charge

The Warnings dataset provides the case report number, the date the incident occurred, subject race and gender at the time of the interaction and the lead charge. This dataset contains only instances where a warning was issued to the subject of the interaction for a violation.

Council District

The Council District field in various datasets corresponds with the below boundaries.

Census Block Group

The Census Block Group field in various datasets corresponds with the below boundaries.

APD District Representatives

The District Representative Program was established in 1998 for the purpose of creating a liaison between neighborhood communities and the police department’s regional commands.

APD Crime Search

APD Crime Search is a web mapping application that accesses crime information from APD’s police reports database. You can search by neighborhood, type of crime, and other geographic boundaries. Please note that the results in the Crime Search map may be better viewed on a tablet or computer.

APD Datasets & Reports

The Austin Police Department provides up-to-date police reports to the public online. These reports include Compstat reports and the Chief's monthly reports.

Contact Us

1. The data provided is for informational use only and may differ from official Austin Police Department crime data.
2. The Austin Police Department’s databases are continuously updated, and changes can be made due to a variety of investigative factors including but not limited to offense reclassification and dates.
3. Reports run at different times may produce different results. Care should be taken when comparing against other reports as different data collection methods and different systems of record may have been used.
4.The Austin Police Department does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken or not taken by the recipient in reliance upon any information or data provided.
Please see the data sets’ source pages regarding content details. For issues related to the dashboards, please email
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