Voter-approved mobility bonds in 2016 and 2020 dedicated $60 million for bikeways projects, including separated and/or protected bicycle facilities, bicycle
detection and signal equipment, and other on-street bicycle facilities,
such as bike lanes. Bikeways funded through the bond program have a
transportation and mobility purpose.
Project Prioritization
The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, 2014 Bicycle Plan, and other related plans include key high-level infrastructure priorities that provide the foundation for Mobility Bond Bikeways spending. These priorities include:
- Create an All Ages and Abilities Bicycle Network
- Remove existing top-network barriers
- Continue implementing infrastructure through high-value coordination opportunities
- Balance investment across the City considering equity, localized strategies to convert short trips, and the need to provide access to complete streets for all
- Expand the existing bikeshare infrastructure
- Other infrastructure priorities: bicycle parking, wayfinding, lighting
The following project lists link to individual project websites or other supporting materials: