Number and percentage of instances where people access
court services other than in person and outside normal business hours (e.g.
phone, mobile application, online, expanded hours) – (DACC) Downtown Austin Community Court-Client Contacts Through
The Downtown Austin Community
Court (DACC) was established to address quality of life and public order
offenses occurring in the downtown Austin area utilizing a restorative justice
court model. DACC’s priority population
consists of individuals experiencing homelessness and the program’s main goal
is to permanently stabilize individuals experiencing homelessness. To effectively serve these individuals, DACC
created an Intensive Case Management (ICM) Program, which uses a person-centered and housing-focused approach. The ICM Program focuses on
rehabilitating and stabilizing individuals using an evidenced-based model of
wraparound interventions to help them achieve long-term stability. Because individuals participating in case
management are literally homeless, case managers must actively seek their
clients in the community through outreach activities and, often times, work on
behalf of the client via collateral engagement with other social service and
housing providers. This measure
highlights case management activities accomplished via outreach and collateral
trend for individuals experiencing homelessness who access services other
than in person, and instead access services via outreach and collateral
engagement, continues to increase since FY18. This trend is driven
by an increase in intensive case managers, an increase in requests for
intensive case management services, client needs and client acuity;
clients with higher needs and higher acuity require more intensive
outreach in order to maintain active communication and
engagement. COVID-19 protocols, and a lack of physical space in
DACC’s facility, required intensive case managers to focus on engaging
clients in the community and outdoors in areas where social distancing
could be accomplished. An increase in outreach activities can be
expected since each intensive case manager is now equipped with a City
vehicle which is also furnished with hotspots, scanners and printers, to
enable case managers to link computers and effectively, and efficiently,
work out of vehicles and successfully provide services in the community.
Note: to see the underlying data for this chart, please select the "View Source Data" link to the left.
Additional Measure Insights
This area is under development.
Measure Details and Definition
1) Definition: This measure captures intensive case management activities
accomplished via outreach and collateral engagement.
2) Calculation method: We calculated this measure by dividing the number of intensive
case management activities accomplished via outreach and collateral engagement by
the total number of all intensive case management activities
3) Data Collection Process: DACC Intensive Case Management Staff collect data for this
measure. This data is entered manually
each time an outreach or collateral engagement activity is conducted and
completed. All data is entered in DACC’s
Intensive Case Management Checkbox Report.
4) Measure Target Calculation: The target was calculated using the past
three years’ worth of data, which suggested there are approximately 20% of contacts occur
where the client does not have to be at the court facility.
5) Frequency Measure is
Reported: Annual (Fiscal Year)
Date page was last updated: April 2023