Percentage of City employees who believe the City uses results of the Listening to the Workforce survey to make improvements in the workplace
This item in the annual Listening to the Workforce survey assesses whether or not respondents feel its results make an impact on their workplace. This item historically hovers around 40%, but with recent efforts to work with departments and management citywide to communicate back results and how they're tying to address organizational changes has created some positive responses. *No Survey was issued in 2020 as the City collected benchmarking information and best practices in order to overhaul the Listening to the Workforce survey.
Historically, 2017 was a high for this measure when a concerted effort was made to work with Departments about communicating back to employees yearly results. Efforts to maintain this level of communication are being undertaken to maintain this level in belief of how the results are used and further drive up its effectiveness.
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Additional Measure Insights
The annual Listening to the Workforce survey results are delivered back to City Management and then Department Directors and Human Resources Managers. An effort has been made in the recent past to work with Departments in ways to use results and communicate back implementations and changes to further drive the efficacy of the survey tool. If results are in need of improvement, the Human Resources Department is available to provide subject matter experts to improve needed areas.
Measure Details and Definition
1) Definition: This measure represents the percentage of employees who agree that survey results from the Listening to the Workforce are tied to changes in the workplace.
2) Calculation method: This percentage is calculated by adding up the number of participants who selected agree and strongly agree to this survey item and divided by those who provided a response to the item.
3) Data Collection Process: The data for the Listening to the Workforce is collected annually by providing both online and paper surveys to all regular City employees. The survey runs for about 3-4 weeks during the middle of the year.
4) Measure Target Calculation: The target was calculated by averaging the past five years of data.
5) Frequency Measure is Reported: Annually (Calendar Year) in December.
Data page was last updated: March 2023