Slaughter Lane Corridor

Coming Soon

Over the next year, the City of Austin Corridor Program Office will continue constructing the first of many mobility and safety projects planned for Slaughter Lane through the 2016 Mobility Bond-funded Corridor Construction Program.
The upcoming work will be phased and sequenced, which may cause potential overlap in construction timing. Each segment of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure work could contain about four project assignments each, and construction for each assignment could last about three to six+ months, depending on contractor availability, weather and other factors. Work could begin on some segments as soon as summer and fall 2021.  

Lane closures are expected as part of ongoing construction, and driveway modifications such as closures and narrowing will also occur at some locations. Minor mailbox relocations may be necessary within some areas of the city right-of-way as well.  

Construction work hours could occur between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays and on occasional weekends.

Upcoming Construction Work:
  • New high-visibility signalized pedestrian crosswalk (also known as a pedestrian hybrid beacon or “PHB”) and ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of Vinemont Drive and Slaughter Lane. (Update: Construction underway. Work is expected to be complete by the end of December 2021.)
  • Protected in-street bicycle lanes and ADA-compliant upgrades to existing sidewalks between Brodie Lane and Cullen Lane. (Update: The first segment of this project will be constructed along eastbound Slaughter Lane between Menchaca Road and S. 1st Street. Construction of the eastbound segment from Menchaca Road to S. 1st Street is expected to begin November 2021 and is expected to be completed by fall 2022.)
  • New smart traffic signals, high-visibility crosswalks and ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of Still Waters Apartments and Slaughter Lane. (Construction expected to begin early 2022.)
  • Shared-use paths (SUPs) between FM 1826 and Barstow Avenue. (Construction continuing Summer 2022.)
  • Protected in-street bicycle lanes repurposed from the outer two vehicular lanes between I–35 and Brandt Road. (Construction expected to begin in 2022.)


Mobility, safety and connectivity improvements are coming to Slaughter Lane between FM 1826 and Bluff Springs RoadAs proposed, the City of Austin anticipates investing approximately $74 million from the 2016 Mobility Bond on the improvements, which are included in the Corridor Construction Program, adopted by Austin City Council. The projects are expected to reduce vehicular delay, improve effectiveness of transit, create continuous ADA-compliant sidewalks and continuous bicycle facilities along the entire length of the corridor.
Preliminary engineering is complete and the full design phase of work began in April 2019 when City Council authorized staff to finalize designs and prepare the projects for construction. 

Click here to view a preliminary map of the funded improvement plans for Slaughter Lane. This schematic map is not final. As a result of current design phase activities, improvement plans shown may have been refined since the map's last update.

Preparing for Construction

On April 25, 2019, City Council authorized staff to complete additional design and engineering to prepare the projects for construction.  Activities include:
  • Developing corridor construction plans and preparing for construction by:
    • Obtaining permits
    • Developing traffic management plans 
    • Coordinating utility relocations 
    • Purchasing right-of-way 
    • Determining construction packaging, phasing and sequencing
  • Designing placemaking areas
  • Completing environmental investigations and documentation 
  • Continuing to explore leveraging/partnership opportunities 
  • Conducting ongoing community engagement with neighborhoods, businesses and property owners to understand their priorities and concerns.
Construction of improvements for the Slaughter Lane corridor will be phased in segments. While the bulk of construction is anticipated to occur between 2021-24, the Corridor Program Office (CPO) is evaluating opportunities to get improvements on the ground as soon as possible.

Public Engagement

Corridor improvements are informed by the community’s needs and input. Community engagement played a critical role in developing the Corridor Construction Program and the Slaughter Lane Corridor Mobility Plan. Public support for the corridor improvements was expressed through voter-passage of the 2016 Mobility Bond.

Coffee on the Corridor ☕

CPO held a virtual meeting called Corridor “Coffee on the Couch” on Monday, March 22, 2021 at 6 p.m. During the meeting, the Slaughter Lane project team shared info with the community about Slaughter Lane projects planned for 2021. Missed the meeting? Click here to watch a recording of the video in English.

Stakeholder Briefings 💼

The CPO has been meeting with various stakeholder groups to discuss improvements and obtain feedback. We are happy to schedule additional meetings upon request.

Engaging with Businesses 🏢

The owners and representatives of businesses were invited to provide input on how the City can help support businesses during construction. This input is being used to develop a Business Success Toolkit.

Engaging with Property Owners 🏘️

These meetings are ongoing, and will occur to coincide with each construction segment’s project development process.

Public Meetings 🚪

The CPO has hosted public meetings to share information about planned improvements for Slaughter Lane and receive community feedback throughout the project development process.
alt='people gathered around schematics looking at the planned improvements coming to the corridor and in the foreground a person is holding various materials about the corridor during a public meeting'

Stay Connected

Public feedback remains at the heart of our efforts to make this corridor safer and easier to travel. We will continue to engage the public throughout design and construction, share the latest plans with the community by various methods including: public meetings, stakeholder meetings, electronic updates, and more. We welcome your comments and questions, so please feel free to reach out to us:
Sign up above for our newsletter to receive updates about the 2016 Mobility Bond, specific programs or corridors.

Corridor Mobility Plan

The COA finalized a Corridor Mobility Plan for Slaughter Lane in Winter 2018. This plan recommended short and long-term improvements for mobility and safety along the corridor. The Corridor Mobility Plan was the basis for development of the Corridor Construction Program
We are actively pursuing funding through various sources to design and construct the improvements that complete the ultimate corridor vision. Potential funding sources include current and future bond funds, grants, partnerships and private investments.