City of Austin
2022 Year in Review

Every year, I enjoy looking back and reflecting on all we’ve accomplished as an organization and a community. After surviving the many challenges of 2020 and 2021, we cautiously started 2022 hoping for the best. Fortunately, even though this year offered its own roller coaster ride, I’m excited that we were fortunate to experience a significant boost to our local economy and special events industry, helping the city reach new heights beyond those achieved prior to the pandemic.

Strategic Direction 2023

Strategic Direction 2023 is inspired by the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. As the City focuses on improving quality of life in the Austin community, Strategic Direction 2023 guides the coming years and outlines imperatives to advance equitable outcomes across Austin. 
See how each City department worked toward the SD23 outcomes in 2022:
Economic Opportunity and Affordability
Government that Works for All
Health & Environment / Culture & Lifelong Learning

Browse by Department