Austin's trees | projects | trees | investment
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Our Urban Forest Ecosystem
Our urban forest ecosystem is composed of the trees and vegetation, the soil and the water, and spans across all public and private domains, interconnected in all ways.
About the Community Tree Report
The Community Tree Report is an annual retrospective featuring urban forest stewardship investment in four major categories: tree planting, tree care, education, and awareness. In the Tree Report, we refer to these four pillars of a healthy urban forest as the Grow, Care, Inform, and Inspire categories. Investment dollars and the resulting measurable outcomes reported are above and beyond what the City invests through general fund dollars. New trees and projects span public and private property.
Data Transparency
By gathering and sharing data, we seek to increase transparency around the investment in funding and hope to inspire additional planting and stewardship activities in our high-priority areas. The Report is designed to assist policymakers, planners, City of Austin tree programs, and grant-seeking partners to better understand where investment is occurring and where it is needed most. Keeping with the City's goal of transparency in government, we have included links within the report to the Open Data Portal where we share the raw data related to all funded projects, outcome metrics that are available at this time, and investment dollars.
Prioritizing Partnerships
In 2021 the City’s Community Tree Preservation Division facilitated over $1.5 M in urban forest investment in Austin, including new trees, care projects, educational opportunities, and inspiration activities. Over 10,000 new trees were introduced into the community, and over 60% went to our highest priority areas. This wouldn’t have been possible without an extensive partnership network. In 2021, we partnered with over 40 partners.
Included in the report are the following sections:
projects | A geographic and visual examination of urban forest stewardship projects and related data.
trees | An overview of new trees distributed in high/low priority areas, programs distributing those trees, and the types of land that are receiving trees.
investment | A visual breakdown of funding organized by the major category that the outcomes occurred in; type of organization that received the funding; funding sources explained; and a breakdown of the programs that help people to access the funds.