City of Austin
2021 Year in Review
Heading into 2021, like so many, I believed we would be starting a new chapter and leaving the unprecedented challenges we endured during 2020 behind us. In truth, this year served up many of the same challenges from last year, but with its own special twist. However, even when it seemed like the odds were against us, our employees and our community – again – never wavered. We continued to serve our residents, neighbors, and each other with grace and distinction. For that, I am eternally grateful and excited to share this lookback at all we accomplished together in 2021.
Strategic Direction 2023
Strategic Direction 2023 is inspired by the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. As the City focuses on improving quality of life in the Austin community, Strategic Direction 2023 guides the coming years and outlines imperatives to advance equitable outcomes across Austin.
See how each City department worked toward the SD23 outcomes in 2021: