This chart counts perpetrators in completed investigations. Completed investigations only include those cases conducted as a traditional investigation that were not administratively closed or merged into another stage. An investigation can only be administratively closed if all allegations have a disposition of administrative closure.
A completed investigation can include more than one alleged victim. Completed investigations do not include any Alternative Response cases.
A confirmed perpetrator on a completed investigation is an individual who is a confirmed perpetrator on at least one allegation with a disposition of reason to believe.
An alleged perpetrator on a completed investigation is an individual where all the allegations on which they were an alleged perpetrator have a disposition of ruled out, unable to complete or unable to determine.
A description of Alternative Response and how it differs from a traditional investigation and the definitions of the different dispositions in a traditional investigation are in the glossary.
1. Each victim may have more than one perpetrator in an investigation.
2. Each perpetrator may have more than one victim.
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