One of the following closure reasons are applied to the case:
Valid - Based on the standard of preponderance of the evidence, it is more likely than not that the abuse, neglect or financial exploitation occurred.
Valid - Progressed to Services - A valid investigation may be progressed into a service delivery stage. Beginning in FY2015, a valid investigation may be progressed into Intensive Case Services or Maintenance Services, based on risk level.
Services Provided in Investigation - When an alleged victim is experiencing abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation, APS may provide protective services during the investigation stage. Beginning FY 2015, services provided during the investigation are documented in the investigation stage and not as a separate service stage. If the alleged victim is at low or moderate risk of recidivism and the problem was resolved with services provided during the investigation, Maintenance or Intensive Case Services may not be required.
Invalid - Based on the standard of preponderance of the evidence, it is more likely than not that the abuse, neglect or financial exploitation did not occur.
Unable to Determine - A preponderance of the available evidence is insufficient to support a finding of Valid or Invalid.
Other - Refers to those investigations that workers could not complete, e.g. clients died or cases were misclassified.
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