Downtown Austin Recycling, Trash & Litter-Control Services:
To reduce truck traffic downtown and help Austin achieve its Zero Waste goals, Austin Resource Recovery manages a commercial trash and recycling contract for businesses located in the Downtown Austin Recycling and Trash Service District (see map).
Every night, Austin Resource Recovery sweeps and cleans designated streets and alleys in the Downtown Recycling and Trash Service District, and trash is collected from receptacles along Sixth Street and Congress Avenue. Learn more about how Austin Resource Recovery keeps Austin clean.
Austin Resource Recovery also manages a commercial trash and recycling Dumpster contract, required by Austin City Council Ordinance 20051020-063 for businesses located in the Downtown Austin Recycling and Trash Service District.
Businesses and residents in this service district have access to convenient Single Stream recycling Dumpsters in their alleys. These customers can place all of the following materials in any alley recycling Dumpster, with no sorting required.