Fire Incidents in City of Austin Full Purpose which AFD responded on (does not include medical calls).
See Attachment for Metadata PDF.
Data Descriptions
MasterIncidentNumber = unique identifier for individual incidents. If you encounter multiple rows with same MasterIncident number, it is b/c that incident had a multi-unit response. Please refer to RespondingUnit to determine the number of units responding to the individual incident.
CalendarYear = calendar year in which individual incident occurred
Month = month in which individual incident occurred
DayOfMonth = calendar date in which individual incident occurred (Ex: 10 = 10th day in month)
Call_Type = generalized description of incident type for individual incidents.
Battalion = Battalion in which individual incident occurred. A Battalion is a geographic boundary used for management of stations (Ex: Station 1, 2, 3, 4 are in Battalion 1)
Jurisdiction = Boundary of jurisdiction/department in which individual incident occurred. AFD = City of Austin Full Purpose
ResponseArea = Small geographic boundary (often tied to a specific stations) in which individual incident occurred. Ex: 00-0101 is a ResponseArea for Station 1. Also referred to as Fire Box.
TSUPResponseStatus = Level of response. Code 1 = no lights/sirens, travels speedlimit. Code 3 = lights/sirens, will travel faster than speedlimit.
Priority Description = Level of Priority of incident. Number equals priority (3 = Priority 3), letter equals general incident type (F=Fire)
Responding Unit = Units which responded to individual incident
District = Boundary of City Council single-member district in which individual incident occurred
Latitude = non-decimal latitude. Please use this formula to calculate for GIS geolocating = latitude *0.000001
Longitude = non-decimal longitude. Please use this formula to calculate for GIS geolocating = longitude * -.000001