Based on the Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) philosophy, Circles of Support (COS) are meetings that focus on the youth and their plans for transitioning to a successful adulthood. They are led by the youth whenever possible. Participants represent a broad spectrum of the youth’s support network. The youth choses who they want to include in their COS: Participants can be the youth’s siblings, birth family members, foster or kinship care providers, teachers, relatives, church members, friends, mentors, and anyone else who is willing and able to support the youth into adulthood. These participants come together to develop and review the youth's plans for transitioning to a successful adulthood, including strengths, hopes and dreams, and goals. The plans cover needs in the areas of education, employment, mental and physical health, housing, and all Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) life skills training components. The COS is about having discussions with the youth about what is needed and important to the youth and how participants can support the youth.