This table contains data that describes the condition of streets maintained by the City of Austin Public Works Department that host Cap Metro high frequency transit routes as of FY2019. The data in this dataset is a subset of the larger street conditions dataset also posted in the open data portal
Condition data is gathered by a contacted vendor, who drives the streets using a specially equipped vehicle that records the data used to determine street condition. The vendor drives every lane of every street in the city, covering one-third to one-half of the city every year. Street condition is then classified as excellent, good, fair, poor, or failed based on national street engineering standards.
This table contains data for the most recent set of assessment data. Year-to-year performance is reported using another table that contains aggregated values calculated using the method described above. Private streets and streets maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation are excluded from reporting and this data set, since maintenance of those roadways is the responsibility of those parties.