This measure tracks the percentage of lane miles managed by the City of Austin that had preventive maintenance completed. Preventive maintenance of existing pavements extends the life of the surfaces and reduces the amount of capital investment required on City streets each year. Asphalt overlaying, thin surface treatments, and crack sealing existing surfaces are the primary components of what constitutes the City's Preventive Maintenance program.
This dataset supports the measure M.E.3 within the Mobility outcome under the Strategic Direction 2023 initiative.
Data Source: Pavement Management Information System, Street & Bridge Operations
Total number of lane miles of street preventative maintenance completed* / Total number of lane miles managed
*Total number of lane miles of street preventative maintenance completed = Lane miles of overlay completed + lane miles of preventative maintenance crack seal completed + lane miles of preventative maintenance thin surface treatments completed.
Measure Time Period: Quarterly (Fiscal Year)
Automated: No
Date if last description update: