Purpose: This data exists in order to track the number of cycles swept annually of protected bikeways. Source: Completed Protected Bike Lane reports are received from ATD. ARR then tracks internally the number of sweeping cycles completed.
Contains: The linear miles (measured in curb miles) of protected bikeways swept by street sweepers. Curb miles represent the length of streets along the curb. Since bikeways can be one-way (one side of the street) or two-way (both sides of the street), curb miles count full distances (a two-way bikeway will measure both sides of the street, i.e. both curbs). Curb miles that were swept are counted monthly, and can exceed the available curb miles when bikeways are swept more than once in the same month. Available curb miles are counted quarterly. Usage: This data set can be used in determining budget and resource allocation. In addition, it is used to track how many full sweep cycles are completed in a given fiscal year. View more details and insights related to this data set on the story page: