Parcels affected by the adoption of the 2015 International Wildland Urban-Interface Code (WUIC), which was adopted by Austin City Council April9, 2020, and implementation beginning January 1st, 2021. Parcels that are within 1.5 miles of a wildland area greater than 750 acres and parcels within 150 feet of a wildland area greater than 40 acres are wildland_urban_interface_code parcels. Parcels designated as "preserves" have been removed and are not subject to the WUI code.Dataset was created in 2020 by Austin Fire Department Wildfire Division. It was derived from the most recent Travis County Appraisal District (TCAD) Parcels, and queried based upon their planar distance to wildland areas. Wildlands are defined as undeveloped continuous areas,. The wildlands feature class is maintained by the Austin Fire Department and is derived from the City of Austin Planimetric dataset, also known as impervious cover data, and are updated every two years. ArcGIS Pro version 2 software was used to create this dataset. The data is meant to be ingested by a GIS system. Changes to the City of Austin & LTD jurisdiction warrant an update to this dataset. The data is scheduled to be updated every two years.Included in the attributes are parcel condition variables that determine the parcel's "fire hazard severity' class. These include the composite score of three variables: slope score, fuel score, and WUI class (proximity). Slope score was determined by the average degree slope of the area within each parcel and classified as less than 10%, 10% to 25%, or greater then 25%. Fuel score was determined by the average fuel class area within each parcels as defined by the Austin Travis County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and classified as light, medium, or heavy fuels. Proximity class was defined by the proximity of each parcel to wildlands, either as within 1.5 miles of wildlands greater than 750 acres, or within 150 feet of wildlands greater than 40 acres.Description of data fieldsGLOBALID_1 = Used for Global IdentificationOBJECTID = Object IdentificationSLOPE_DEGREE = The average slope of each parcel in degreesFIRE_HAZARD_SEVERITY = The "fire hazard severity" class of each parcelPROXIMITY_CLASS = The proximity class of each parcelSLOPE_CLASS = The slope classification of each parcelFUEL_CLASS = The fuel class of each parcelCREATED_BY = Creators nameCREATED_DATE = Date createdMODIFIED_BY = Modifiers nameMODIFIED_DATE = Date modifiedUNIQUE_ID = Unique Identification number (mirror object id)Shape_Area = Shape areaShape_Length = Shape lengthIteration ID: Parcels_AustinLTD4 2020Contact: Steven Casebeer at | Austin Fire Department Wildfire Division