This is a historical measure for Strategic Direction 2023.
The purpose of this dataset is to track various indicators for historic preservation activities.
The columns contain information for the following criteria: CC.D.2. is to account for the percentage of buildings, structures, and sites preserved as locally designated historic resources that represent the community heritages of African American, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Pacific Islander, and/or other people of color. This dataset comes from City of Austin Historic Preservation records and staff contribution. The row level data contains the percentage number of buildings that meet the criteria, and the dataset can be used to see our current status for buildings that meet the criteria. This dataset will be updated as more information becomes available.
CLL.D.4. contains the number of potentially significant buildings, structures, or sites recommended for historic landmark designation by the Historic Landmark Commission, but for which a demolition permit was released. This data comes from City of Austin Historic Landmark Commission and Building Department records. The row level data displays the total number of demolition in question. It can be used to track the demolitions in question.