Through the 2016 and 2018 Mobility Bonds, the City of Austin's Safe Routes to School Program is developing projects identified in the District 10 Infrastructure Report to help students walk and bike to school.
Austin Transportation & Public Works maintains road condition sensors across the city which monitor the temperature and surface condition of roadways. These sensors enable our Mobility Management Center to stay apprised of potential roadway freezing events and intervene when necessary.
This data is updated continuously every 5 minutes.
See also, the data descriptions from the sensor's instruction manual:
The Austin Transportation and Public Works Department is developing safer routes to Doss Elementary and Murchison Middle Schools, as well as connections to Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest District Park and other destinations.
The City of Austin is bringing sidewalk, bikeway and intersection safety improvements to people living and traveling along Bull Creek Road from Jefferson to 39th streets and 45th Street to Hancock Drive.
The Speed Management Program works to improve safety and enhance the livability of Austin streets through context-appropriate speed reduction strategies.