Landing page for M.D.5_Number and percentage of customer service requests for removal of high priority blockages in the right-of-way resolved within 72 hours
This measure estimates the percentage of City infrastructure in poor or failing condition, based on departments participating in the City's Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment.
Landing page for Number and percent of customer service requests for vegetation maintenance in the public right-of-way completed within 2 weeks (M.E.6)
This dataset supports measure M.C.5 of SD 2023. The sources of data are the American Community Survey and the Austin Transportation Department. Each row displays the percentage of people in different demographic categories who participated in mobility engagement process as compared to percentage of people in the same demographic category in Austin. This dataset can be used to understand how well the City reaches different communities and subpopulations when soliciting public input. View more details at
Landing page for Number of crashes resulting in fatalities or serious injuries caused by the top contributing behaviors (speeding, distracted driving, impaired driving, failure to yield) (M.D.2)