Through the 2016 and 2018 Mobility Bonds, the City of Austin's Safe Routes to School Program is developing projects identified in the District 5 Infrastructure Report to help students walk and bike to school.
Austin Transportation and Public Works was awarded more than $5.5M of funding for Austin-area safety-related projects by the Texas Department of Transportation's TxDOT 2020 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The projects are designed to significantly reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries through safety lighting and signal improvements at locations selected from the Austin high-injury network
Through the 2016 and 2018 Mobility Bonds, the City of Austin's Safe Routes to School Program is developing projects identified in the District 3 Infrastructure Report to help students walk and bike to school.
This dataset contains records of in-progress and work completed from June 2018 to present for the purpose of tracking the installation and maintenance of roadway markings in the City of Austin full purpose jurisdiction. This work is managed by the Signs & Markings Division (SMD) of the City of Austin Transportation and Public Works (TPW) department.
The records are managed in a work management system tracker and the dataset is automatically updated twice per day.
**This dataset is under active development and subject to change at any time**
This is a dataset of Github issues managed by the Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services team. We publish this data primarily so that it can be used as a data source for reporting purposes. For more information about our team, visit our website:
This dataset relates work completed for the purpose of installing and maintaining roadway markings and street signs across the City of Austin. Each row records time spent by one or more technicians who completed the work order. This work is managed by the Signs & Markings Division of the City of Austin Transportation Department.
This dataset contains records of work completed and in-progress work from June 2018 to present for the purpose of installing and maintaining street signs in the City of Austin full purpose jurisdiction. This work is managed by the Signs & Markings division of the City of Austin Transportation and Public Works Department.