This database includes data used in the Project Connect Anti-Displacement Dashboard. The file includes 2020 decennial population and housing unit counts at the Block level, combined with 2020 ACS data at the Census Tract level that was used in the 2020 Displacement Risk map. To determine displacement risk, researchers at the University of Texas conducted a three-part analysis: the presence of vulnerable populations, residential market appreciation, and demographic change. To determine vulnerable populations, the authors used indicators to identify residents who, according to academic research, are least able to absorb housing costs, which includes: communities of color, low-income households, heads of households without a bachelor's degree or higher, families with children in poverty, and renters. In 2020, the City of Austin Housing and Planning staff updated the data and simplified the categories. The data sources include the 2020 Census, 2016-2020 ACS 5-year Estimates, and City of Austin Affordable Housing Inventory. This file also includes the total income restricted units from the Comprehensive Affordable Housing Directory (CAHD) and City of Austin Affordable Housing Inventory (AHI) as of 8.22.2022.